Friday, March 25, 2011

Lineage Poems, continued

As I promised, here are some of the amazing poems from my 8-2 class:

by E.B.

I am from a Mexican coke
from beans and fajitas
I am from white walls in my bedroom
(dirty, shadows
that say things in silence)
I am from gifts that my aunt
gives me with much love and
the desire to show how much
she cares for me.
I am from my mom cleaning at Howard
Johnson and
from my dad being a supervisor.
I am from the don't give up and
the push yourself
from don't depend on a guy
and from your education will
take you out.
I am from Bimbo and Valentina
from a good lunch and a coke
Under my bed a plastic bag
Spilling dirt and the feeling of
being left behind.

by J.R.

I wake up every morning in a cloud
Feels like heaven.
Drink up a cup of coffee
Feels like home.

I listen to my dad playing his brown guitar
It fills the air with tunes
I get uncontrollable feet
My problems fade away.

In my
head, heart, and dreams
I keep all my memories
The nice ones
Not the ones that open my skin and kill THE SOUL.

Telling jokes
The ones you never hear coming from my dirty mouth
Make family

My iPod
The brain
Where everything goes and flows
The creator of my ideas and thoughts
What will I do next?

Hugs and kisses
For a special one
And baby hands wrapped in mine
From someone who will look up to me
Two more people to LOVE.

Nights when I don't want to go to bed
Where I talk to GOD and say
"Thanks for a wonderful day!"

September 4
I am...

My “Where I’m From” Poem
by C.T.

Yards of none,
Apartment of one,
Toy cars of many times one,
Tables of dad hand-made done,
A BIG BrOkEn Buddha a-more-brownin’,
A bird clock a-chirpin’,
A gray old chair a-sittin’

A daddy,
A mommy,
A mammy (grandma),
A pappy (grandpa),
A step-ma mammy,
A [cousy] (cousin)

A chino,

A spring roll this,
A noodle con egg rolls that,
A CAKE here,
A rice bowl there.

To Kansas Air,
From Beaumont there,
In desk chair

“Có sau không? (“Are you hurt?” or “Is there anything wrong?”)” I say to Ariel.
“Không có. Đi chơi nè anh, (“No. Let’s go play brother”)” Ariel say to I.

Calvin Han Trieu Ta

by N.R.

I am from accordians and six string basses
From cowboy hats and snake skin boots.
I am from the king of mountains and hills
From cities and streets.

I am from an original style of hamburgers and
Smoked goats
From a long distance love story and an adventure
Towards happily ever after.
I am from a small plastic sphere being kicked
Into a net
And spiked shoes hitting the grassy field.

I am from music and dancing
I am from the hugs, the love and support my
Family offers me,
We love you 'Mija' and we'll always be
here for you.
I am from those words.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Where I'm From: A Poetic Lineage

This week, my students have been working on the first stages of becoming great poets. Well, right off the bat, they have truly impressed me with their writing ability. As one of their first assignments, they were asked to write a "Where I'm From" poem. Unlike a geneology or family history, the poem goes far beyond who or where they are from. They were required to think about traditions, family norms, inside jokes, house-decor, and everything in between in order to demonstrate who they really are.
Below are a couple examples from 8-1. I will post poems from 8-2 tomorrow. (PS: the first poem was written in the form of a coffee mug...very cool. Unfortunately, I can't quite display that here).

Poems from 8-1 students:

The Cup of Coffee
by S.M.

I am from a cup of coffee
My life, sometime bitter; sometimes sweet
If you add more sugar the coffee gets sweeter
I am from the milk that lightens up
The great smell eliminates the bad odor for good
I am from the cup that receives all these things
But yet I still stand
I am from the water that rinses out the remains
I am from the soap that brings shine into play
From the base that is there to bring support
From the handle that will give you and extra hand
The contents come and go
New ones will come much different than the previous ones
I am from the cup that will be ready
But yet I will still stand

Where I'm From...
by J.R.

I am the MESS
that makes up my house,
the open books,
the DVDs
I am the barbeque pit
the shared meals
I am the family

I am the herb gardens
failed tomato plants
bean sprouts, carrot plant
I am the peach tree
the peach pits,
unpicked weeds,
that haven't the concience still

I am the new.
Of bonds forged
the Reyes' and Silvas'
a family plan
I am the seed
of a new tree grown

I am of the
better late than never clan
a shared mentality
of family unity
and I am the family's all;
a certain type
of bond that joins us all

I am tamales shared
together cooked,
together eaten,
I am carne asada
all for one andoneforall
I am Christmas cookies
made with love
too much sugar
and 'secret' recipes

Most of all,
I am from never lost memories
hopes and dreams
of lonely travels;
I am from...
I am from my family,
I am their love,
I am from
everything and anything
that has ever been
in my heart

by A.M.

I am from a dirt road
One just outside of town
I am from the infinite fields
The fields that stretch on
I am from that helpful tree,
The one that destroyed many lives
The one that caused a loss but embraced a love
I am from that brave traveler
Who crossed that line for family and freedom
I am from the ashes of celebration
that almost could have turned me into ash
I have come from that square,
The empty one that is full of conversations
But over all, I am from a dream
the dreams of a child in 1979