Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Summer updates!

Say hello to Macy! She is the queen of my house (or so she thinks!). She is a 4 pound Chinese Crested. Normally, you see these kind of dogs at dog shows, but they are normally shaven down to their skin. This, to me, is ugly, and I refuse to put Macy under such torture. She loves sleeping on my pillow, licking people's faces, and playing tug-of-war.

We recently took her to the dog-park where she went swimming for the first time. As you can see, Macy is not the prettiest thing when she gets wet--she gives a whole new meaning to "BAD HAIR DAY!"
Also, I saw Harry Potter last night with my wife and Mr. Stocker. I thought it was particularly good. It is definitely the darkest and most disturbing Harry Potter, however it was mixed with a perfect amount of comedy to offset the darkness of the movie. There's a huge development in the story (especially at the end). So, if you haven't already bought your tickets, make sure you do so soon! Oh yeah, Mr. Stocker dressed up like Dumbledore...I hear he'll be seeing it again at one of the theatres in Houston. Let me know if anyone spots Mr. Stocker in a costume this week! Keep a look-out!
Is this Mr. Stocker???


  1. Tht's such a cute dog. he he :))

    Where did u go see the movie?? In Houston it barely comes out today. I can't wait to go see it, I'm a huge fan of Harry Potter and I wouldn't miss it for anything.Well "Dumbledore" sure woudln't look much like Mr.Stocker and no tht'a not him in the picture. I say this because his cheeks don't look like that and his hands aren't like tht either.

  2. thats not mr. stocker in that picture!@!! that dog, shes so cute but u were right she dosent look good when she gets wet thats for sure!!!???!!!

  3. AWWWWWW!!!! ur puppy is adorable , she looks so cute.

  4. the puppy is soo cute!

  5. Haha Stocker looks so FUNNY! LOL

  6. thats not stocker in this picture well anyway yea your dog is so cute

  7. that is soooo not stocker in that picture!
    anyways your dog is cute!
