Thursday, November 5, 2009

Do I Dare?

In eighth grade, we are reading Robert Cormier's novel, The Chocolate War. It's such a great novel because it tackles so many great issues that are everyday issues for students, such as bullying, peer pressure, and making decisions.

Specifically, the novel raises one universal question for our students to answer: "Do I Dare Disturb the Universe?"

This is not an original question deriving from Cormier's book, however. It was first raised in T.S. Eliot's Poem, "The Love Song for J. Alfred Prufrock:"

And indeed there will be time
To wonder, “Do I dare?” and, “Do I dare?”
Do I dare
Disturb the universe?
In a minute there is time
For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.

The question of disturbing the universe or not is one that is timeless. It doesn't matter what stage of life you're in, how old you are, or what you're going through. There are always decisions to be made; each decision has a consequence that follows. The decisions will either "disturb" the universe or not. Period. So, for me, the more important element to consider is are we ready, willing, or able to make those decisions...knowing the disturbance that it will cause?

I encourage everyone to reflect on this for a bit. Maybe even think about what's going on in your life right now. Do you find yourself disturbing the universe? Or, do you mostly find that you try and make as little an impact/difference as possible?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I find myself not disturbing the universe and what i mean from that is that i do lots of things that help out the environment by having to water the plants and having to recycle.I also try to make a difference on maintaining everything in my surroundings clean as possible also having to do daily life activities such as conserving energy and riding bikes is a good example for not polluting our atmosphere. I also contribute on knowing what the world is going through in watching the news. As other people have tried to stop the destruction of the forest by having to tie themselves in to a tree or standing up against a machine that is ready to bring down trees.
    i also try to make as little impact or diffrence as possible by being at school so the teachers wont go trugh all that clicking in the computer and ask who is not here.Another thing that i do is that i dont talk to lots of people because ill just be disturbing them(a rock in the way).i also try to do all my homework because then the teachers wont waste time in marking us as ER or LL.thats what i do and thats how i try not to disturb the universe.

  3. I find myself some times disturbing the universe because I some times get me and other people in trobel and i also dont because i help my sister wen shis giving food to the hame less. aand i fell sad that a little of people help....

  4. I have found myself disturbing my universe. I have made choices that have changed my universe from what i join to who I am with. I have choose to join some clubs that take a bunch of my time and I don't have time to be with other people or do my homework. I have friends that I go with and almost all the people I meet up with and get to talk to becomes my friend and they don't take a lot of time except for some. I became good friends with those friends and it helps me when I need assistance and it's becomes a fail if I spend to much time with them and don't have time for important matters.

  5. Of course, I find myself disturbing the universe every day. When I get a mark, when I get yelled at, not turning in my homework, etc. Little things like this really wouldn't make sense for disturbing the universe. But there are always consequences for this matter. Many people get put in prison for disturbing their own peace and mind. But that is why god always gives us a second chance for making a mistake or disturbing the universe. So I ask myself, "Do I dare, do I dare, disturb the universe?" I don't know you tell me.

  6. Yes. I am constantly finding myself disturbing my universe because just like you said, every decision has a consequence and I am always choosing the wrong decision that brings more problems into my life. Making it worse, Disturbing my universe.

  7. I have made some decisions that do involve disturbing my universe. But also I have made decisions that don't disturb the universe around me. But I find that most of the decisions I make disturb the universe around me in a negative way. I'm not saying that I haven't made good decisions which I have, but I constantly find myself making bad decisions.

  8. i actually dont find myself disturbing my universe...i believe in the whole cospirecy theory of the "every thing happens for a reason" consept. i know i do make thing come upon myself, but i think that everything bad, or even good, things i do some how teach me a very valuble life lesson.

  9. Have i found myself disturbing my universe? There are many different types of answers to this question, but have i done it untill current day... yes and no. I have disturb my universe in good and bad ways both have consequences. I find myself not disturbing my universe because before desturbing it i picture myself doing the thing i want to do and what would be the consequences. I believe and encurage everybody to do the same but other people have different opinions.

  10. Well, I sure do disturb my universe in various ways. My universe can be disturbed easily by words as it can also be disturbed by my actions. I'm not perfect, but I do try my very best. When life kicks me I always try to make it kick me forward because I can't let anything get in the way of accomplishing something. It's never easy because sometimes I disturb my universe in a negative way and the results that I get turn out to be really bad and just makes it harder for me. Not everything is bad, but when there is something good out of the disturbance I try to make the very best of it. I'm a person who hates to regret things but sometimes I don't think and end up doing something really bad and hurtful to not only me but the people in my surroundings as well.

  11. Owww, I'm jealous! I want to come join you in your reading & discussion! Mind if I bring 65 of my little 6th grade friends with me?

    Seriously, you rock my world with your discussions & thoughts about "disturbing your universe." Just remember, that is not always a bad thing & even when it is a bad thing, your disturbance can be a catalyst for change. In other words, a mistake is no longer a mistake when you learn something from it. Now, if we continue to make the same "bonehead" mistake... well, you know...

    Keep up the amazing hard work & effort. Happy reading!
