Tuesday, January 5, 2010


As part of this year's new reading course, the eighth graders will begin reading the novel, Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson. Speak is a powerful novel that investigates some of the inner most sensitive emotions that a high school girl deals with as she struggles with popularity, acceptance, and sexual abuse.

As a pre-reading activity, students need to respond to one of the following four statements with a 500 word journal reflection. Students will post their responses here. These responses should be detailed, rich, and high-quality thinking. There should be a demonstration of serious depth of though

  1. Students who are depressed are simply afraid to deal with their real or perceived problems.

  2. Students should not tell teachers about their personal problems, no matter how serious.

  3. If someone is drunk or high, she or he is not responsible for her or his actions.

  4. Girls are more likely than guys to say they have been sexually harassed.

Due Wednesday. 35 points

Secondly, students will respond to one another on Thursday. These responses should spark a potential discussion over these topics. Don't respond with "that's good," or "I agree." Instead, respond with thoughtful remarks, ask probing questions, or add to the student's journal response with something worth while.

Due Thursday. 15 points


  1. 4. Girls are most likely than guys to say they have been sexually harassed.

    I agree that girls are most likely than guys to say they have been sexually harassed. There are many reasons to why I agree with this statement. Out of all the reasons of why I agree, there are only three main reasons to why I agree on this statement. One, girls feel more likely to say that they have been sexually harassed because the fact that they have more stuff (breast, butt, hips, lips, body, etc.) that guys don’t have and that attract guys more easily. Two, another reason that I think is important is that just because they are girls, they feel as if they could say that they were sexually harassed. Last, girls could feel more likely to say that they got sexual harassed is because nowadays, girls are the one who are getting sexual harassed more.

    I think that girls are more likely to say that they got sexual harassed because the fact that girls have breast and a butt, they feel as if that is the main reason why a guy would be attracted to them more. Girls would feel that, that attracts them more because since boys tend to talk about girls in a sexual way and because they know that guys are more interested in that even though some might say that they are not. Another reason to why girls would think that is because guys hormones start to act up around the time they are in the fifth grade and from there, it just grows and grows.

    Girls would also think that they are more likely to get harassed because the fact that they are girls they can say that they got sexually harassed. It’s not that rare that you hear of a guy getting sexually harassed because they are stronger than girls. Girls on the other hand are not that strong as guys are and they tend to go over stuff more, now what I mean by that is that we girls tend to panic way more than what we should. Since us girls panic more, we don’t think of what to do but to scream. This is why they feel more prone to get sexually harassed because guys find them as weak and that they can’t take care of themselves.

    The last reason that I think that girls are more likely to say that they got sexually harassed is because almost every day you hear about a girl getting sexually harasses. Every once in a while you will hear about a boy getting sexually harassed. This reason is like a combination of the first two reasons that I wrote about to why girl would say that they got sexually harassed. Girls hear on the news about how guys sexually harassed girls and how girls say that they freak out and stuff. Girls can see the point of view of the girls because they are a girl and they know what girls would most likely do. So it’s only common sense to why girls would think that they are more likely to say that they got sexually harassed.

  2. Choosing to drink or to smoke to make you drunk or high is all based on your choices and responsibilities. Even though your peers may persuade you to drink/ smoke, you will make the decision yourself. You may say yes, or you may say no when they either hand you weed, a permanent marker, an alcohol bottle, or any other smokable/ drinkable item that may either make you drunk or high. Therefore, I believe that it is his or her’s responsibility for his or her’s action while he or she is drunk/ high.
    For example, if Bob went to a club with his friends, and while talking his friend offered him some alcohol, he may choose to either say “no thanks” or “yes, thank you”. Let’s say that he said “yes, thank you”. Before saying “yes, thank you” to his friend, Bob must’ve first thought whether to take the offer or not. Obviously, Bob chose to take the alcohol and drink all the bad nutritions located inside the harmful drink into his body. After 10 cups of Bud-Light, Bob fell back onto the conch and started to fall asleep. Remember, Bob got drunk because he chose to drink 10 cups of alcohol. Even though his peers (friends) persuaded him to drink at least a cup, it was Bob’s choice to say yes to drink one cup, but unfortunately, Bob went over the hill and decided to drink 10 cups. His friends then decided to wake him up, and as soon as he slowly and weakly stood up and tried to open his eyes, his friends knew he was weak. He failed at opening his eyes, he was really weak. They, his friends felt as if they had done something wrong. They had a flashback, and talked each other. Was it there fault, or was it Bob’s fault. They carried his heavy and dizzy body to the restroom to pour water on his face. Bob’s eyes quickly reacted to the cold freezing water and popped his eyes open immediately. He told his friends that he was fine but they knew he was in trouble. Speaking with a vomiting tone was something his friends knew that he was not well. Bob was also constantly saying “why…why… whyyyy”. Based on his friends’ observations, they knew he was asking himself why he had gotten drunk. He must’ve got addicted in order to drink 10 cups of alcohol in total.
    The next day, Bob and his friends met at his house to eat and continue to talk about the drunken night. He admitted that getting drunk was all his fault because he chose to drink that much even though his friends did not offer him to drink 10 cups. He soon then regretted and told his friends that he would never try to drink again. Bob also thanked his friends for all their support and actually told them that they should’ve left him alone so that way he would’ve been responsible to take care of himself since he made a mistake.
    As a conclusion, I do agree that If someone get high or drunk, he or she should be responsible for herself or himself. Yes, in the example, Bob was helped by his friends, but at the end, he admitted that it was his fault and that he should token responsibility and helped himself go to the restroom and etc. I hope that you all understand my opinion/ response, but if you did not, please notify me and I will try my best to express myself more.

  3. Disagrrreee!

    I strongly disagree with “students should not tell teachers about their personal problems, no matter how serious,” because any teacher would be glad to help a student, which is why they are here in the first place. I understand that students are afraid of over reactions, but it’s the matter of life to let go of problems sooner of later; also tell someone who really cares. A teacher perhaps would be a great source.

    I believe if a teacher over reacts about the student’s problem, it’s only to show they do care. A teacher will really go out of their way to put all attentions and concerns on the student’s life, especially if it affects their education. They will try their best to relate any way possible, for example when Mr. Stocker relates real life problems in the present to the past in history. So, it’s no big deal to express problems to a teacher no matter how big or small because you have no idea what they’ve been through. Mr. Little for example has related our teenage problems with his childhood and memories. Has it been a good help? Really ask yourself, and then you have a solution.

    Also, if you trust a teacher, you-the student would have high confidence in yourself to really show improvements in your problem solving. It doesn’t matter how bad, terrible, or serious the problem is because being a teacher is the same as being a mature adult, which can lead to being a hero and a life change to a student. If the teacher laughs at you or believes that what you say is false, he or she is immature because they don’t know what is going on today in the real world and have no emotional affect relating to their own issues.

    Before, after, or during school would be a great time and place to really ask for advise and assistance to a serious problem. Depending on the type of teacher you decided to go to can affect how much you share with them because, what if you don’t have a close relation with the teacher? Who are you going to turn to? From this point, if a student is scared or nervous to share their feelings to a parent because they are going through a “they don’t understand me” phase. Then, turning down a hallway to that one close teacher is a perfect start to finding help.

    Have you thought about a teacher being a parent; they can have a kid the same age, with the same problem? This type of view is perfect because the student doesn’t have to worry about or being afraid of a teacher over reacting, because the parent comforting zone begins there. The parent side of the teacher can really change a student’s attitude because they aren’t getting the same old riddle or math problem in class based on figuring their own problems out like a guidance counselor might be compared to. They are getting the real life situation and much more, a role model.

    A teacher’s past is nothing more valuable than your personal problem; it’s better to just let it go before more trouble happens and you become distracted during class. Be aware that the student is the one being taught the lesson, but the teacher is being taught the reason. Probably doesn’t make sense, so let me clear it up for you. We, the students are the future, which makes us the reason to have the most attention because we can make better of ourselves by being taught the lessons of life. (Book smarts and street smarts are what teachers really teach us.) This concludes the reason why I disagree with students not telling teachers about personal problems.

  4. Usually there’s a law that says “don’t drink and drive”. Well It might no literally b e a law that’s says exactly what I have wrote above but, all I know is that it is illegal to drive while been under the influence of drug or alcohol. Consequences are always enforced in this important issue. If you take a minute to think, why does the government take people to jail without even being responsible for their actions? Don’t ever try to go through something without being blamed on because it’s all gonna be on you and the decisions you make every day. Try to stay away from drugs and liquor given to you, stay away from bad influence or from people that tell you to take a drink of liquor or of drug. Try to safe the lives of millions of people, save your life to. Alcohol has a big effect on your health.
    Every single human being has a choice to make, based on their decisions they will almost always be judged. I believe that everybody should be punished for making a decision that will affect the people around them. For example; driving after consuming alcohol can be harmful to kids, elders and even adults. In my opinion I think that people should really be charged for their actions, so I certainly disagree with the statement shown for the book speak. “If someone is drunk or high, she or he is not responsible for her or his actions”. In class there was a big discussion on this statement. Some argued that if you are put in peer pressure to consume liquor or drugs it isn’t really your fault. But we all came to a conclusion that of course, that leads to another argument. Consuming any type of drug by being peer pressured is a total different thing from taking the drug by your own decision. So basically totally disagree with the statement posted above. People should assume consequences and should be punished for putting in danger the lives of many innocent people that might want to keep on living. So people please follow the law, don’t abuse liquor because you might be blamed for something that might you might not want to do. Don’t drink and drive let other people have a break. There’s no need for more accidents or more dead people for the cause of alcohol. From now on expect to be responsible for your own actions while not knowing what you are doing. This all concludes the reason on why i disagree with the statement.

  5. I think that talking with a teacher is vary helpful. Not all the times people talk to there parents because sometimes the problems are with there parents. Sometimes students are afraid of there parents because they may be strict with them. if i had problems I wouldn’t talk to my parents because i know what they are going to say. Sometimes kids need new advises.

    Sometimes kids don’t know if they can trust teachers. Teachers talk to each other a lot and sometimes they can accidentally say something about a student. That’s why students need to learn which teacher could be trustfully. When you see that a certain teacher talks a lot to an other teacher you may want to talk to someone else.

    Probably you may want to talk to an older teacher. They have experience more in life. Younger teachers still have more through go in life. The reason am saying this is because older teachers can give you better advises.

    There is nothing wrong about talking to a teacher. Sometimes you do need teachers. They know you well and know how you may feel. If I had to choose between talking to my parent or teachers I would choose teachers. Parents sometime don’t even have time. They are always tired, or have to do something. Teachers would have time because they are in there classrooms and you can walk in and talk to them. Once I had many problems in life and I needed to talk to somebody. I couldn’t talk to my parents because the problem was with them. That teacher always told me you can trust me I would never say anything. I felt better when I talked to him

  6. If someone is drunk or high, she or him is responsible for their actions. People buy beer. The company makes advertisements for you to buy the product. They do not tell you to drink and drive. It is your responsability because you made that choice. If an accident were to happen, i would not blame the drug or the beer. I would blame the person. They need to have control of their actions. Before you do something, you have a choice and you could have said no.They chose the hard way.

  7. I agree…
    I agree that if someone is drunk or high, she or he is responsible for her or his actions because it’s the person’s fault, not the alcohol or the drugs fault. You choose to take it and you choose to intoxicate yourself. You also endanger your life and the life of others. Think about your decisions twice. Also it is your responsibility to find someone to help you out if you do decide to drink or smoke.
    If you use an excuse saying you were pressured to say “yes”, then why don’t you quit lying to yourself. It’s not going to help to lie, take the responsibility for your own actions.
    Get the guts to admit what you did or the guts to say “no” to them. If you think itll make you feel cool around the people who pressure you… it wont.

    Imagine if one of your family members gets run over and killed by a drunk or high person. How would you feel about it? Alcohols fault? Or persons fault? Ummm… It’s the persons fault because they made those actions. Why would you blame it on the alcohol? It wasn’t the alcohols fault because who decided to drink it. Or it’s not the weed’s fault that got the person high.

    If you don’t stop what you’re doing now, you will find out the hard way. Don’t be afraid to talk to someone about it if you think you have a problem. Talk to your friends or a supportive adult, it doesn’t hurt to try. I understand many people have temptations and choices to make but make sure you don’t endanger the lives of other people. Also to endanger temptations and choices to make but make sure you don’t endanger the lives of other people. Also to endanger yourself by making those temptations and choices.

  8. I agree with that students shod tell there teachers about there problems, because some times there parents wont listen to them and/or they are the ones that are the problem. And some times the teachers give you good advise. And its also good because they have sine a lot of other students with probably the same problems and the have dealt with stuff like this and that can help you a lot.

    Some students are not that confident or maybe in barest of there problem and are afraid that other people my make fun of them. But they student be afraid, they can just tell the teachers that they what to keep it a secret so they don’t tell your parents or the principal.

    Students will probably want to talk to more older or know how to dell with this type of problems. They know how you feel and think because they wear kids and teens before. And they will give you good advise, and probably convince you to talk to you parents instead of kipping it inside.

  9. I agree that students should not tell teachers about their personal problems, no mater how serious is the problem because now in these days you can’t trust nobody even someone very close to you. Well first of all because you might think that that teacher will keep your problems just with him, but you might be wrong too. You really don’t know how the teacher is out of school, maybe they tell the whole world about your problems you may never know. This statement has good part even if you disagree or agree. At the same time if you tell a teacher about your problems you are going to take out everything you have in you.

    I know that a lot of people are going to disagree with this statement because they think that there going to feel much better if they talk with someone of their problems. At the same time ya’ll need to think about it because like I say you never know how the teacher is out of school. This days you can’t trust in no one because they smile to your face and spit in you name. So I will just rather to keep everything to myself, and not letting a teacher know about my personal life (or maybe the whole world).

    The negative thing about if you agree, because it has a negative thing to. People sometimes just can take it and diced to kill themselves. The reason this happens because they just can take it no more and they think that their problems are never going to solve. So decided to kill them because, they think that they don’t have a purpose to keep living on the world, so they take their life. It depends in the people to because some of us are very weak with this thing, and they worry too much. Another thing is that they have their problem in their mind 24/7. Telling them what’s going to happen? What about it doesn’t get fix? Why this thing happening to me? Is this going to be forever? And the next thing you know their dead.

    As, other people don’t let it go to their mind 24/7. They do worry about it and think about it, but not as much because they try their best to not remember what’s going on in their house or life. Some of the things that you will like to do just to distract you of your problems are to hang around with your friends and joke around. Other people just listen to their favorite artist or music and forget about it. As, other people play sports so they will have fun and don’t remember about it their problems. There are many other activities so you can forget about it. As, I say before it depends in the person how they want to take the conflict. For me is not a good idea do tell a teacher I prefer to listen to music, play sports, hang around with your friends to take everything away of your head.
    Armando Mora

  10. 1. Students who are depressed are simply afraid to deal with their real or perceived problems.

    I strongly disagree with this statement. Just because somebody is depressed doesn’t mean that they are afraid of reality or there problems. Different students have different situations and those that are depressed I bet have a good reason for it. Depression is a very big issue and is not something that is common (at least I hope.) So whenever you know someone that has depression or you’ve seen the symptoms of it don’t just be like “Oh whatever, just let it go, get over it” because that might just end up contributing to the depression. The statement above is, in my opinion, a little inconsiderate because it seems like you don’t really care about that person or the situation that they are in. I’ll elaborate on that. I think it’s inconsiderate because your just telling the person to “move-on” when you don’t even know what they are going through. Okay, I’ll give you an example for those that say you agree. Lets say that there is some kid named Justin and his whole life he has been an outsider, nobody never cared about him or acknowledged the fact that he was even there. So, one day another kid named Able decides to go up to him and talk to him. Justin is happy that he finally has one friend (or so he thinks) and tells his life story to Able. Able without even giving it a second thought just says, “Dude, c’mon get over it stop being such a little girl.” That is something that someone who agrees with the statement would say. Am I right? If you say that you did agree with the statement at first but after what I had to follow your saying “Well, I agree but I’m not inconsiderate and I do think about other’s people’s feelings.” Well, I hate to break it to you but that means you disagree. So, now for those people that disagree. I do, because if someone is depressed that doesn’t automatically mean that they don’t want to or can’t deal with there own problems. Maybe the person that is going through the situation is depressed because they want to deal with their problems but they don’t have anyone to talk to or have just been so intimidated about the whole thing that they are scared and just don’t trust anybody anymore. Kids in this situation, even though it might be the most freighting thing you may ever do, have to speak out. You don’t want the depression to keep adding up and up until it reaches a point that nobody or anything can stop it. Yes, it may hurt but I promise you, you won’t regret it. Once you speak out and tell your story everything after that is and will be less painful for you. Just get the courage to do the first step and your home free. Everything after that is just helping you overcome this horrible state of mind. Also once you speak out your letting everything off your chest and hopefully it will erase the fact of being depress. In conclusion, I don’t think that someone who is depressed is someone who is afraid of their problems.

  11. I agree with the statement that if someone is drunk or high, she or he is responsible for her or his actions. If they get drunk or high they should be responsible enough not to do anything that could put others in danger such as get behind the wheel. They should be smart enough to have someone else who is not under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If they do happen to injure someone or do anything else they are one hundred percent responsible, there are no excuses. I feel that they should be punished for their actions so they could learn not to ever do it again. If someone drunk or high does happen to get behind the wheel, they can cause a car crash and hurt others possibly even kill them. They have no idea how much damage they are creating because they are drunk or high so they are not thinking straight. They decided to get high or drunk so they should be responsible enough to know that they shouldn’t do anything that can possibly put others in danger. I understand that if they weren’t drunk or high they would most likely not commit those actions but unfortunately they were under the influence so they should not feel innocent. If they are smoking inside a house they can fall asleep and catch the house on fire and others that were in the house could get hurt. The ones who were not smoking but were in the house could have gotten hurt all because of the smoker who was getting high; they weren’t doing anything wrong they were completely innocent. The smoker is fully responsible even if he or shee doesn’t feel that way. When someone is high or drunk they don’t know what they are doing, they aren’t themselves, and aren’t in the right state of mind. They could abuse someone without realizing what they are doing and not knowing what they are doing is wrong. Someone who is not in their right state of mind can do many bad things such as physically, sexually, and mentally abuse someone and they should be responsible for such terrible actions. It was their choice to get drunk or high so they should be adult enough to face the consequences for their actions. Of course they are not going to like those consequences but they should have thought about that before they got drunk or high and performed those inappropriate actions. I don’t think there are any acceptations for anyone no matter how sorry they are. I don’t think that people who are getting high or drunk are thinking about others they are only thinking about themselves. They think they can do no wrong but once they are high and drunk they forget all about laws and rules. Just because they were drunk or high and didn’t know what they were doing does not mean they are not responsible. Therefore, you should think responsibly before taking wrong actions.

  12. I agree that if someone is drunk or high she or he is responsible for their actions because it was their life choice not anybody else's. Everybody has their own mind nobody makes the decision for them to drink or to get high. Many people may blame it on the alcohol, but the alcohol or drug did not tell them to drink. It doesn’t just hurt you but also the people that are around you and maybe even sometimes the people you love. Think before you act. I know that there are many people that I am sure would want to help you.
    When someone drinks and drives it can leave to really bad tragedies. There have been many losses in the world because of drunk drivers. When you kill an innocent person you are not only hurting that one person but you are also hurting all of the people who loved them. Even your family members may feel pain when you go to jail. You will regret that big mistake of yours once you’re behind bars with the thought that you killed somebody.
    Don’t hurt yourself or give into peer pressure. If your “friends” tell you over and over again if you would like to drink or do drugs then that means that they are not really your friends. Toughen up and say no. One of the best things to do is to look for who you hang out with. Keep in mind that old saying that says “tell me who you hang out with and I will tell you who you are”. You should always walk away from any offers of drugs or liquor. Even a small try of a cigarette can make a huge difference in your life.
    You have many choices in life; cigarettes and liquor are not part of it. Don’t waist part of it by yourself. If you have a problem, talk to someone about it. There are many people that can help you. Go to someone you trust or a friend who you can open up to. You are fully responsible for what you do. If you drink or do drugs you should know what they do to you. Don’t be a dumb person, and do something if you do not know what it does to you.
    If some innocent child was playing on the streets with his friends, and then all of a sudden a drunk driver just comes and kills him with his car. Who are you going to blame, the drunk driver or the alcohol? The person behind the wheel should know not drink while under the influence.

  13. Are they to blame?

    Think about this. We are told at such a small age to never be involved with violence, drugs, drinking, and gangs. There are even programs dedicated to preventing it because it is frowned upon so much. You see commercials of living above the influence and posters of not driving drunk everywhere. So why do people still insist on drinking and doing drugs and are they to blame for their actions?

    Everyone knows:

    Drugs. Usually we refer to this word as medication, but if it is not used properly then it can become a problem.

    Alcohol. A poison that when in the body, can mess up your brain cells and make you lose you nauseous.

    I AGREE. I believe that people who get high or drunk do have responsibility over their actions.

    People, who do drugs or drink alcohol more than they should, usually say that they have a reason to do so. They can probably lie and say that they have problems and use drugs to get high or it sometimes may even be the truth. Either way, the person who is doing the drug or drinking the alcohol is responsible for her or himself. When you drink or do drugs YOU ultimately have the decision do so, therefore making it YOUR responsibility.

    There are serious issues with people drinking or getting high. It all has to do with safety and health. The person who gets high or drunk can be affected with health problems later in life if they become addicted. And sometimes when a person is drunk or high they don’t think straight and can even put others around them in danger. This causes serious problems.
    There are some cases where people are too hurt with social problems that are going on in their life that they have no way to escape it except by doing drugs or drinking. But there are better solutions. Try going to a therapist and speaking to them about it. Or if you don’t trust them and feel like talking to someone closer, go to a teacher, friend or parent (You are never alone). Or maybe if you don’t want to talk about it, take your sadness or rage out on something else. Play a sport, go to the gym, or take a break from work.

    But there are other cases where people, especially young teens, who want to just be cool or prove themselves to someone by getting high or taking alcohol. Well, is it really worth it? Why do you have to prove yourself? Why can’t they just love you for who you are? You don’t have to prove yourself to anyone, especially not people who do unhealthy things like that. As far as being cool is concerned, is it really cool to shorten your lifespan? Is it really cool to feel stupid after taking the drug or alcohol? The answer is no. It is not cool because it just gives you more problems and it doesn’t make you cool, it makes you dirty.

    In conclusion, I strongly believe that people who get high or drunk are definitely responsible for their own actions. They have the ultimate decision in the end whether it has to do with family problems, or being cool. So are they to blame? Yes. That is definitely my opinion. What do you think? =)

  14. I am writing about kids or teens going through depression because they are either afraid to deal with their problems or they just have perceived problems. I will have to admit that some teenagers are like that. My personal opinion is that’s not why they go through depression.

    I believe they go through that stage because they don’t know what to expect in the outcome. They might think that they will make it worse if they tend to solve it their selves. Others don’t know weather to find a solution for their problem or to just let it go. Depression can really stress someone out till where they led to serious actions.

    Some of these actions mainly lead to suicides. Going through depression is hard. So if you know someone who are going through these stages, please help them or try to comfort them. It’s most likely for adults to go through this feeling, but many teens get to that point very quickly.

  15. Well in my opinion I think a student should be able to tell a teacher about there problems. Because who knows they might be feeling bad or there something that they cant take no more and that keeps on bugging he/her. Maybe they are afraid of telling there parents because they can go all crazy on them and not listen to them. But a teacher may be able to hell them and give them good advice about what to do. Teachers are like a big brother or sister and the students know that so…they trust them because they tha the teachers would keep it a secret. Even do being a teacher seems to be such as a big deal of a job or what ever other reason. They have the biggest and more important responsibility that anybody can have…And that is that they communicate with students a lot and are role models to them. We see them most of the day the school is like are home. We spend what like…8-9 hours with them. So. They probably get frustrated sometimes but they still keep going to be there for us when we need them the most they are there so. We can count on them and this is amazing because they might also have problems or had a harsh day. And they still got time to hear are problems. So yeah I agree student should be able to tell the teachers there problems. :)----Ricky

  16. 1.Students who are depressed are simply afraid to deal with their real or perceived problems.

    I strongly disagree with this statemant because being depressed does not mean you dont want to deal with your problems, being depressed is like when you don't feel like talking about them or really to anyone. Wheather you are depressed or not you still have to deal with your problems to get over them.
    For the people who don't agree you most likely have your mind set on "Oh big deal! Get over it!" Or you feel as if they just want attention. Well either way you are wrong!!! If a person is depressed, the last thing they want is attention from anyone. Thats why they exclude them selves from everything or mostly everything.
    If you also have your mind set on "Oh big deal! Get over it!" you should really think about how you feelwhen you are sad. And then picture your sadness ten times worse!! If you are still in that mind set then something really must be wrong with you. Well if that still did not work, you should think about reasons a person would be depressed, put your self in that situation, and think about what you would do or how you would react. Then think about a depressed person's actions and they should be about the same.
    People with depression are not aliens!! They are still humans, they are just going through really hard times. But as soon as everything is over and their life is back to normal, they are going to be exactly the same person they were before they got depressed.

  17. Don’t Be Scared

    My Statement:
    1)Students who are depressed are simply afraid to deal with their real or perceived problems.


    The word that might bring so many memories into your mind or to anyone that reads it. We all might have gone through it at some point, but we each react differently towards that state of being. It is caused by many reasons that can only be effective depending on the issue or situation that person is going through. *Students who are depressed are simply afraid to deal with their real or perceived problems.* This statement is not very accurate towards the way that I look at it. In my opinion, this statement is wrong and I totally disagree with its content. Being depressed can mean so many things, but not necessarily that your afraid to overcome your problems.

    When you are depressed you react to it in so many different ways, but that does not mean you are scared to face your issue. I say this because some students tend to talk about their problems, just to know that someone is hearing them and that they are not alone in this. They are not afraid of it, their just reacting toward it by letting it all out with a certain person that might help them. They are depressed about it, but they still seem to have some hope left in them to try and get it over with.

    Others might be quiet and be in their own little world, but that helps some people in letting it all fade out. This does not mean that their scared to talk about it because I have seen people who tend to be to them selves and always end up feeling better at the end of the road. It is more of a thing like; *don’t judge a book by its cover*, because you really don’t know what that person is going through, but to them it might just seem that this is something their going to have to face sooner or later in life. They might have some doubts, but it will always turn out okay if you are willing to let it pass by them and they will see the positive side of their situation.

    Being depressed comes in so many ways to you, but people notice that something is wrong and deep down you know that they care about you. This helps you out in feeling confident about opening yourself up and know that you are not alone. It might take you sometime to finally accept the problem that you had to encounter, but you will realize that is never too late to do something about it yourself. You will either leave the phase of been depressed or know that you really cannot do anything about it so you will just move on.

    Depressions come in both small and big sizes, but just know that been depressed does not mean you are afraid to solve your problems, because it is just something we as humans might go through in our life span. Having doubts is okay, but you will eventually figure out that you can go through this and it will all turn out to be just fine. Don’t let others bring you down and know that been depressed doesn’t mean you are scared, it just means that you will be going through some emotional situations that will eventually fade off along the way, it just might take some time.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. You always see on the television commercials of plan parenthood and kids leaving their homes because they made a bad decision in their life and their parents did not want to deal with them. Why does this happen? Think about it. It is probably because that child never had someone to talk with, so he/she did not really know how to solve their problems in their life so when they do face reality so harshly and alone they just wish that they would have someone there with them to talk and support them.

    That is why I strongly disagree with the statement that students should never tell the teachers their problems because maybe they just simply don’t have anyone else to vent out everything they have inside and help them out. People say that now a days teachers cannot be trusted, but there is always the teacher that cares a lot about his/her students and they will listen and help out in any way they can. Also, what does the teacher gain in telling someone else about your problem? Nothing! They are also human and they understand us and never judge us by whatever we have done or anything that has happened in our life.

    Also imagine that you have a big problem that is something that you know you cannot tell your parents because you may get in trouble or just feel awkward telling them like for example anything doing with your personal life or something with a guy/girl. What is the next shoulder you go crying to? Your friends! But then, you know that they won’t know how to help you or not give the right advice because they have maybe not been in your shoes and just simply don’t know what to tell you. If you go to a teacher you truly trust and tell them your problems they will probably have the right thing to say or the right advice to give you because they are older and they have made their errors in life, so…. they have the solution or something that can really help you. If you do really trust that teacher you will be sure that they will give you their honest opinion on what you should do and the steps to take to overcome or resolve your problem.

    Wouldn’t it be great to have someone by your side that can give you good advice on your problems and actually know what they are talking about? For me it is good to know that I have some teachers in my school which I can honestly trust with anything that is going one in my life. They are just great because they help you up whenever you are down and they give you solutions that are good and actually help a lot. If you feel like teachers cannot be trusted it probably best if you change the person you are trying to trust because maybe that teacher is not trustworthy. Your friends are great and always there but sometimes they don’t know how to help you or what to say to make you feel better. Sometimes the best they can do is just be there and console you but really not give you advice. Just try and trust a teacher because student really can trust them even thought they think they are strict and mean but trust me they have feeling and a heart and they know what you may be going through.

  20. I disagree with the statement that says “If someone is drunk or high she or he is not responsible for her or his actions.” I disagree because if someone decides to get drunk or high, they’re responsible of there own actions. Seriously, if that certain someone has decided to get drunk or high, then that’s there problem and there solution. I mean nobody is going to stop you or baby-sit you. If you can decide on drinking but not on your responsibilities, then was the point of it? Let’s put this in an example: This 20 year old guy decides to go to a bar. He drinks a beer, then a couple, then it becomes addicting. After a while he stops drinking and decides to head home. As he gets in the car and drives, well tries to drive a red light is ahead. He doesn’t notice because his in “everything possible world” or “Wonderland” (anything that has ponies and all that random stuff) The car on the opposite side has a green light and as he accelerates the drunk driver does the same. They end up crashing, and the driver on the other car got hurt badly and unfortunately his daughter didn’t make it. Now whose fault is it? Well we pretty much now that is the drunk driver’s fault. But tell me are you going to blame him or the alcohol? We all know is the guy. But lets say you think is the alcohol’s fault. Tell me if you were in a car with an innocent driver or a loved one and a drunk driver gets on his/her way and crash who you going to blame? I’m pretty sure you’re going to blame the person and not the alcohol. I mean did we tell that person to drink and drive? No we didn’t, he made that own decision. Seriously, if people are going to take the risk and drink, then they should at least be responsible of their actions and consequences. Once something bad happens don’t blame the alcohol, blame the certain person who decided to do it. I mean your choice, your responsibility.

  21. AGREE
    I kind of agree and disagree that “Students should not tell teachers about their personal problems, no matter how serious”. First I agree because if is something that is killing you from inside I think you should tell someone about it because is going to cause you peer pressure or a deep depression. If you can`t tell a friend something about your personal life, I would recommend you to tell a teacher. Because maybe that experienced teacher might have gone through the same problem that you are going through. And the teacher might give you some personal tips or recommendations to get over your problems. Or what do you prefer telling someone (teacher) you can trust whit your personal problems or get in deep depression and start getting into drugs or alcohol. And if you get in drugs or alcohol is worst than everybody knowing your deepest secret you have. Because you start getting in gangs which will make you drop out of school, and won’t have any future. The worst part is going to jail or prison which none of us want. And that’s all for the disagree side.
    In this paragraph I disagree. Because if you tell a teacher about something personal in your life wouldn’t it be kind of weird, because he/she is not even a big part of your life. If you really need to tell someone something is your parents or your best friends because friends and your parents have your back for life. But who knows about teachers some might care. Like in Project Chrysalis Middle School I know that I would tell Mr. Little, or Ms. Robayo. Because they have know us since 6th grade so I know that if I tell them something deep in my life they wont laugh, or act like if they care. They would get serious and think of a well thought out resolution. Unlike other teachers all you hear is “Ok, tell me your problem” but when they actually aren’t listening they are just doing something else that involves tomorrow’s lesson, him getting ready to leave, or because he lost some papers or his keys. And at the end they just tell you something like “I think you should face that fear or problem with courage” and then he/she would say “”hanks for coming to me for advice”. And in your mind you’re all like “I just came to waste my time with him/her”. And the worst part about telling a teacher about a personal problem you have had is them spreading the word. This will not also be a problem but then turn into a fear because everyone already knows and they are going to make fun of you and laugh at you. Because what I think is that teachers only talk about anything they heard from student or their students actions, but nothing else!!! That’s all they do in campus talk about us. Well that’s what I think.
    -William Nolasquez

  22. Statement 4:
    Girls are more likely than guys to say they have been sexually harassed.

    I agree to saying that girls are more likely to say they have been sexually harassed than guys. I agree to that statement because on the news, you never really hear about guys being sexually harassed by a woman. The only time you hear a male being sexually harassed or raped is probably a little kid. To be honest, women don’t think like a male. They think more feminine than masculine. And also some men think women are people you can just mess around with. It’s like saying there are probably more female prostitutes than male prostitutes. But some female will probably take being orally sexually harassed as a compliment. For example, if a male goes up to a female and comments on their breasts, some females take that as a compliment. But on the other hand, some females think the opposite. For example, a male walks up to a female and comments on their breasts, some females may take it personal and will report it to the cops thinking they might be raped. Its like if you swear at a female saying how pretty or sexy she is. That could be taken the wrong way. But saying it in a proper way could mean a total different story.
    Being physically sexually harassed is against the law. But some people think of being physically sexually harassed as rape. Raping a person could mean years and years of prison. But I don’t know how someone could like being raped because it may lead to a child you may never want and nothing may possibly change that. One of the most common sexual harassment is teachers and students. Instead of the teacher sexually harassing the student, it may be the student sexually harassing a teacher. The student may serve a sentence in a juvenile detention center.

    Examples of sexual harassment:
    • Sexual comments about one another’s body
    • Sexual suggestions/peer pressure
    • Sexual touching
    • Sexual graffiti
    • Sexual gestures
    • Sexual “dirty” jokes
    • Spreading rumors about having sex with one another
    • Touching oneself in a sexual fashion in front of others
    • Showing sexual pictures, objects, stories, etc.

    Another reason why females are more likely to say they have been sexually harassed is because of the different things females have such as breasts, butt, face, hips, body, etc. Also, since there is a lot of gang activity today in the world, many females are joining gangs and most gangs require women to sleep or have sex with them. Even if they don’t like it (physically sexually harassment), they have to pretend to enjoy it. The other option could be for the female to be jumped or be beaten up to join the gang. Some of those explanations could lead to pregnancy or even death. The other example I could possibly think of is to just do it. I say that if girls choose to have sex and they didn’t plan to have sex that day, I call it sexual harassment.

  23. I believe that students should tell their teachers their problems because there are some problems that are hard to say and the student keeps on think about it. Sometimes it feels good once you tell your problem and get that weight off of you. The best thing about losing the weight off your chest is that you can have life easier to go through. You sometimes know your teacher is someone you can trust to keep something in because they don’t go around like your friends telling people that what your problem is. If students had a problem with another student and when that spreads out then there is going to be some drama. Your teacher might say something like “Why’d you do that?” if you tell them something bad you did that became a problem and you don’t really care that you did that. Your teacher might also relate to your problem. If you tell the teacher than the teacher has a better idea what your going through and can tell you what they did and you might get told to do the same thing or to don’t follow in that path that well mess up your life. Once you tell your teacher your problem there might be a lesson to learn from it. You may learn that you did the right thing and it shouldn’t be bugging you or you need to do something about that problem before it gets way out of hand. It is also good to tell an adult that is like your teacher. Your teacher is more intellectual than you and adults know better than you what to say. If the problem is really serious like a murder or robbery than don’t tell the teacher what you did. That is the only part that I disagree, but if you get told by someone else than you will get in more trouble than you would have telling what you did your self. It is really your choice to choose what level of trouble you will fall into because if you tell them what you did and you get in trouble from them then it might not be as bad as someone else telling on you that you didn’t even tell, so it is better to take responsibility in what you did that is a problem. It is good to speak out what your mind says and teacher might also understand you because they were a kid like you and it might happen to every kid in life but you didn’t know that. If the teacher puts him/herself in your shoes than the teacher has a better chance to know what you’re going through and why you feel that way. The problem about problems is that you might be afraid that the teacher might over react of what you did. All you have to do is tell the teacher to don’t worry about it too much and you already know what to do. The only problem about that is that they are nervous and the must face their fears, but everyone would rather just stay in their comfort zone.

  24. 3. If someone is drunk or high, she or he is not responsible for her or his actions.

    Originally, I would disagree with this statement, but it could go both ways. I think that it is all based on decisions and situations. When someone purposely gets high or drunk, then obviously they are responsible for what they did because it was their decision whether it was peer pressure or not. “Peer pressure.” Even if somebody puts you through pressure and you still smoke or drink or anything else, that is your choice in going down that path. There are plenty of things that could be done about it, like getting support by friends or family or even ask yourself, “Am I doing the right thing?” One thing I think people do is avoid that question because they know the answer is no and can’t face the truth. Instead of ignoring the fact that you are responsible for yourself, own up to it, let others know how you feel, make a difference. Although the decision to make the right choice seems easy, many times, it’s not. As imperfect humans, we tend to rely on our own judgment. In my opinion, without a spiritual foundation, it is even harder to do the right thing. Unfortunately, we live is such a fast pace world. From my perspective, it seems like everyone is determined to rush into things. Girls are anxious to grow up to have boyfriends. Boys are anxious to grow up to have nice cars. Both are trying to be part of a group that either is older, going out, or perhaps getting involved with drugs or alcohol.

    In today’s society, there are so many things that contribute to the will power we have. For instance, watching television or listening to certain music, can easily influence people starting at a young age. There are a lot of commercials related to having a good time with alcohol or movies that involve drug usage as being a “cool thing.” I can understand how it is easy for a vulnerable person to give in, especially if they are unstable. I think if the person has a good heart, but may have family issues or personal problems, it can trigger them to make the wrong decisions. They may not think about the outcome at that time but later regret it in life. Another thing to consider is the law. In these days they are not very lenient with offenders. If the person gets in a situation where they may think it might be harmless, it may just lead them into big trouble, even if they feel they are not responsible for their actions. It may be in their eyes, “a simple mistake.” Regrettably, these choices can be very disastrous, so it ultimately comes down to paying for the consequences for the choices you make. I may not like nor agree with the wrong choices a person makes, but that does not mean I have to judge them. So do I agree that if a person is drunk or high, are they responsible? I rather leave that up to the law and the man upstairs.
    If you agree with my statement, feel free to comment.

  25. well to me i see people who take drugs are stupid! If anyone in the right mind says it's not there fault then explian this. Why do they take it in the first place. The drug is not forced it is your fault for taking it. Now i see people getting hurt killed because of a drug. What does that tell me that people now just like to be followers or cool. Well to me i think that it is always, i mean 100% sure it is the person who took the drug. It will never be the drugs fault well i do and always disgree with the statement it is the person taking the drug!!!

  26. I truly agree,
    If someone is drunk or high, they are truly responsible for all their actions and every thing they say and do. Of course it is true that the person who has done the drugs isn’t thinking or concentrating right at that moment, but it was their fault that they did the drug or so whatever they did to themselves. They had the choice to not do what they did, I know ‘peer Pressure’ and all, but it is their fault for falling for it.

    I’ve heard that people do drugs and drink when they are depressed and don’t see anything in life at all. They might think they are useless, mistreated, and nobody can understand what they are going through. Many people can get through depression without question. But many people are also tied into it, and can’t get through it normally.

    So it is the problem of the drinker because it was their choice to say yes. What if the person is high and tries to drive and hurts someone? What if he actually kills some one, how can it not be their fault? Would the judge say that “it's alright” your off-the-hook just because you couldn’t think right, that it's all going to be okay? Well, it won’t be, and it never will be.

    Not only is that against the law, but it also isn’t smart, or good for your health.

    Nobody will ever respect or care about you if your last resort to comfort is drugs. Witch most likely will double or triple your belief for your need of existence on this “un-forgiving” planet. There are millions of people who can live normally and don’t need enthusiasms boost to be happy. Dude, this is life, drugs will get you no where in this cruel world. You are just a tiny spec of the face of humanity, I know people have problems and all, but I don’t think it's really all that hard to get over something like this.

    I suppose I can’t judge because I have never been depressed or relied on drugs to help me feel better, but even through out my short life, I have seen many people over come their stress and all their problems. So I really don’t know what can happen, but something I will always understand is that every decision in life, has a consequence.

  27. Also that the drug cannot do anything to u if u don't take it. The way i see it i mean i would be mad at a person if something were to happen to my family. They took the drug they had the chance to say no but they wanted to look good. So this is an add on of my own i see no reason to let a person go for a drug. It is there fault and they should get a punishment. For me a drug is a drug it was people who wanted them so they made them and you can only blame the person so i say that. Who cares what a person says for taking the drug they should get a punishment. So mr.little this is a add on so a drug is a thought should i do or not. So i think one person should take the fault the on under the drug.

  28. Students should tell their teachers certain problems. I think you can tell a teacher your personal problems to a limit. Because somethings might be too personal for them to understand. I belive some students wont tell teachers their personal problems because they are afraid of the teacher overreacting. Teachers probably over react to show that they care. For a student this reaction might be taken diffrently depending on the students personality. To explain this more into detail, I mean like if a students personality is the shy type they might think the teacher is upset with them for having many problems. For the overeactig a student might think the teacher is blowing a small problem out of porportion.
    Another reason I think students should tell their personal problems to a limit is because a teacher would most likely treat him/her diffrently. Other students might not understand why the student is being treated this way and create more problems. This would probably create problems for the student who is being treated diffrently. Also maybe the student doesnt want to be think of as the kid with alot of issues and thats why he only says some of his problems.
    I also belive a parent could be involved like how the kid was brought up at home. If he was brought up to say his emotions and trust just about anyone, he might tell the teacher his serious problems and end up in trouble. The parent could also tell their child to leave the problems at home. I belive there a time and place to let certain problems out and school is not realy a good place. I say this because teachers are not alway trust worthy and the student might end up being teased or humiliated.
    I understand that teachers want to know their students and help them out. Sometimes its better to leave thir problems back home and not let the really serious ones get in the way of their school work. Some teachers might belive just because a student told them all there problems they can control the kid. If this statement could either be agreed or disagreed no in between, I would have to say I agree students should not tell the teachers about their personal problems, no matter how serious. Thats just my opinion.

  29. Some people say that “Students should not tell their teachers about their personal problems no matter how serious”. If what you want is my honest opinion then I am completely opposed to this statement. I think that no matter how serious or drastic the problem may be, students should still be able to talk to their teachers about their personal issues. I’m not saying that they have to talk to them or that they have to talk to every teacher, but simply that they should at least have that opportunity. The maim reason I’m saying that students should at least have that opportunity is because every kid, and or teen has to have at least one stable adult in their life, if they don’t have that at home then they sometimes seek it from others. Friends are good for comforting you and things like that but they cant do everything for you, at some point in their teenage years they are bound to need an adult figure to be able to talk to.

    If the problem is their parents then they cant exactly talk to their parents about it now can they. Yes, I’m sure they can talk to their friends about it, but really in the grand scheme of things what can your friends really do to help? They can calm you down, help you cope, make you feel better right, but can they make it go away? No they cant, there is always the possibility that it could happen again.

    Then again what if the problem is with your friends? You have no parents to talk to and, no friends to turn to. that’s why students should be able to talk to teachers about their personal problems, because everyone needs at least one stable relationship with an adult in their life. Its all matter of trust, weather you trust that person, weather you trust yourself to tell that person. Why cant that person be a teacher?

  30. Students should not tell teachers about their personal problems, no matter how serious. Agree or Disagree?

    I think that depending on the case of your situation and the type of teacher will be the answer to which a student should be able to tell teachers about their personal problems. I think of it this way; if someone is in a very depressing mood due to his/her personal problems he/she has to talk to someone to express his/her feelings. A notice to this is going to be a big change/relief on the person with the problems because he just found a person who he/she can talk to without been depressed because they are expressing out their feelings. Talking to that person will clear a path for that person to move on.

    My other opinion would be that by students telling teachers about their personal problems will cause the teacher to see that student in a total different way. That way can be a good one or a bad one. Good ones would mean that teacher cares and listens to the student gives him advice, and makes him feel safe. A bad way would be that the teachers just tells you that your personal problems should stay that home and not to bring them to school.

    An issue the student will have with telling teacher about their personal problems will be trusting the teacher. He/she will feel more comfortable if that teacher knew him for at least two years because like that he will know the teacher personality and if they care or not.

    People have different opinions on this statement but I think if I was to choose from agreeing or disagreeing I would most likely disagree. I can name a long list probably write a book about it but who would want to read or hear my opinions. Straight and forward I would disagree based on my own personal experience. Like other students I had have a lot of personal problems till current day; and I was stressed out had a lot of mood swings did poorly on grades. I felt trapped in a dark room were I couldn’t express my feelings because was scared if I told anybody about my situations they would feel sorry for me and look at me in a different way. Out of nowhere I saw doors open with teachers inside of it. Teachers that I knew and trusted. Teachers that cared. I felt like if I had fallen and had many hands to grab on to pick me right up like as if they were telling me “we will be there with you every time you fall to pick you up, if you need a person to talk to my doors is always open. It took me a while to breakdown and tell them what was going on with my personal problems but they are so caring that they gave me advice that helped me and after talking to them I felt the weights on my shoulder drop and my path wasn’t dark no more it was clear a big relief.

    But this is my opinion.

  31. Students should not tell teachers about their personal problems, no matter how serious.

    I agree. I think that students should not tell teachers about their personal problems, no matter how serious because, first of all, how is telling a teacher your personal problems going to help you? Some might say that it helps by getting that problem off of your chest by telling someone about it, but even though you tell a teacher you are still going to have that problem, that teacher you told your problem to isn’t going to make your problem go away just by telling him/her about it. Others tell teachers about their personal problems just because teachers tell them that if they ever need someone to talk to they can always turn to them and that we as students can trust them, but as soon as we do and tell them about our problems they go and tell the other teachers and before you know it all your other teachers are asking you about your problems and about your life. Some people might think the same thing and the ones that do understand where I’m getting at and understand why I agree with this statement. For the ones who don’t agree with this statement and with my opinion all have their reason, but how are all of you that don’t agree sure that a teacher is the right person to tell about your problems, or if you can really trust them? Most people and mainly the ones that don’t agree don’t ask themselves this question and others come up with some excuse just to “prove” that they can trust a teacher.

    I also agree with this statement because teachers act like they understand your problems when they don’t and they tell you things that they think will help you with your problems when they really don’t and sometimes make it even worse. In my opinion our problems aren’t any of the teachers business. When the teachers tell you that you can trust them and there door is always open if you ever want to talk, there just excuses for teachers to get into your personal life or just a way to make us think like they actually care about us or about how we feel. I wouldn’t tell a teacher about my personal problems no matter how serious it is because like I’ve said before, telling your problems to someone doesn’t help you. Teachers don’t realize what type of a situation your in at the time and they act like they do by giving you advice or try to fix your problems when they can’t and just make your situation worse. I don’t think a student should tell a teacher about their personal problems, but if they should have to tell someone, it shouldn’t be a teacher. It all depends on the type of person you are and your personality, if you choose to tell a teacher about your personal problems…I wouldn’t, that’s my opinion

  32. If someone is drunk or high, she or he is not responsible for her or his actions.

    If you see a drunk person or a person getting high, that person would not take full responsability of his or her own actions.Immediately they will blame another person who didn't do nothing and didn't gave him or her the drug or beer.The person responsible would be the one that actually sold him or her the drug to get high. Another thing stores can only sell beer to people who are older than 21 with their ID. The people that buy the beer in stores have no clue of what they are getting children or students into, when they do drink, they aparently get the symptoms of having to throw up in the restroom or do things that can insult or take actions that can lead to death.

    If you see a high person it's better to back away from him or her because then later the actions they take will affect others in their family and there will be a big problem in between both families from the children. Also being high would lead the parents being the one's responsible for the actions that the children or students take. In my opinion most of the cops and judges in court will blame the parents for having to allowed the person to take the drugs. Comercials are also responsible for the people that drink beer because they make it look cool for people and young adults to drink and do whatever they want do. Some other commercilas make the people want to take weed or other drungs to feel relief from stress or make you feel more relaxed compared to beer.

    If you where ever caught drinking and getting high would you think these things can make you cool when you can always end up in the hospital. These things can lead up to having a disease or to death. Before you think of having a drink or two or get high think of the damages you will do or cause to another person, as well as having to lead to a car crash in the freeway and end up in the hospital. Also think about dying in an early age by having a kidney disease or being in a comma for a long time.

  33. 1.Students who are depressed are simply afraid to deal with their real or perceived problems.

    With this statement I would have to strongly disagree. I feel that simply because someone is depressed does not mean they are afraid of dealing with their situation. Many times the reason why students go through depression can be simply for the fact that they are lost. Lost in the way that they dont know how to deal with the situation, nor handle it. They feel since they can not do anything then what's the point in even trying at a normal life again. To them it could mean hope is all lost. They may question will there eve be hope again?

    For others the problems can get out of hand and take part of who they are. If the student was once tough, strong, and never let anything bring them down that could change. All that confidence gone and the bravery not to be seen anywhere. They may feel like they should do something but are not able to. Especially in situations like these, it is hard to get past something like that. To just forget about it and go on with life as if nothing happened. It puts them in depression because they see everything they onced believed was the greatest in life, come crumbling down like a wall with no stance. They must slowly build it back up piece by piece, not in a rush.

    For students in these situations it must ne very difficult to deal with all that pressure, guilt, and hurt. One may think how can they go on? Will they? Always think for the best, eventually they will see a way to deal with it all and slowly start building the wall that once had no hope. Depression not always means they are afraid it could simply mean they dont know how to deal with it. With time the learn and with time the depression starts to fade away like scars that hit too deep and were to be marked forever. That can all change, afraid to deal with their problems is not always the case.

  34. I think that when a person is under the influence of beer or something else, then I do know that he or she is responsible for their actions. You always have a choice when you do something. It is not a guarantee that you will always pick the right decision. In this case you choose to get drunk or high. You can not blame the company for something you decided to do, If you hurt someone, the conscience will be on you. The blame will all be on you. He or she should take responsibility of their actions and admit they made a bad choice about something.

    The creators and sponsors only want you to buy it. They even make these cool advertisements and commercials to get you buying these products. You have never seen a commercial in which the person is drinking while driving. That is not message they are trying to send you. Actually, in my point of view there is no message like that. As for getting high, it is also a bad idea because when you are under the influence, you have no control of your actions and you disrespect people with attitude. These products blind you from reality. They dont show you what your actions are doing. You believe in something whenever your mind is actually active and you can stop even though you are under the influence.

    You may not see it, but you hurt people when you do this. You can abuse people like friends and family. At the end you will realize that you could have prevent it. Your mind is still working whenever your in this condition. So you are the only responsible for those who get hurt. Don’t blame the company who makes it because they don’t tell you what to do.

  35. Hi, all!
    Please forgive my sticking my nose in, again. I just can't get over the pride in my heart for your ability to express & discuss your valued opinions. This is such a treasured tool for teachers to gain knowledge about your lives & the challenges you face. My wish for you is that you all find that someone (teacher, friend, parent, role model) that you can truly trust with your innermost secrets. Thanks for being you!!!
