Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Science Experiment, Anyone?

I have been absolutely disgusted at the articles that have been circulating the web about how Mcdonald's hamburgers defy the natural laws of science (literally) and do not grow mold or decompose, no matter how long they are left out.
Recently, a NYC artist left a McD's hamburger sitting out on her bookshelf for six months. Yes, SIX MONTHS! What do you think happened to that hamburger? Well, if you are slightly messy and sometimes dirty like me, you have probably left food sitting out for a couple of days. If you have done this, then you also know that when food is left sitting out, it begins to grow mold on it. If you don't believe me, just ask Miguel Lara. Last summer, he had to clean out my mold-filled coffee pot. The coffee was only sitting for about a week and a half and, I swear, it had already amassed an entire fungus colony.

Back to the hamburger. After six months, the hamburger looks exactly the same. Not one speck of mold can be found. What's even more disturbing is that this is not the only example of someone doing this. According to Yahoo! News, there is a school teacher who has left a McD's burger sitting out for the past 12 years! Apparently, she has done this to prove to her students that they should never eat fast food.

Here is a picture of the burger that had been sitting out after 145 still looks as edible as day 1.

After reading this blog and looking at the picture, what do you think? Do you believe it to be true? Does your perspective of eating at fast food restaurants change now? If I were the science teacher, I know what I would be giving out as an extra credit assignment...


  1. Well thanks for the information Mr. Little. If you think about it then yes it is pretty disgusting. I wonder what they put in the hamburger so it wont grow the mold? My perspective doesnt really change to fast food as long as I eat it as soon as I buy it. Though if I see it hanging out in the refridgeirator I probably wont go near it.

  2. wow! thats amazing i didnt know that some food stayed the same and i think that they actualy but lots of chemicals on food 100 pattys = 100 gallons of chemicals. my perspectivehas changed a little (haha! ur last name). d i dont eat much junk food but i guess its ok to eat it every other week. now you made me want to test this with pizza!

  3. Well as their science teacher I must say that I do want them to take on this challenge for extra credit. I should also add that I find this claim a bit absurd and unsupported. Real science would involve more reliable data than a few people's "science fair" projects. In depth research about various chemical properties of the various ingredients in fast food should be included. Human kind has been creating and implementing various chemicals to preserve food the longest period of time. For that matter, stop eating peanut butter or cereal or chips. I mean have you seen these go bad ever? These are all foods that do not perish. They might go stale but no fungi or mold will grow on these.
    Nevertheless, this claim reminds me of the cell-phone-signals-popping-popcorn claim. I remember watching these “wow” videos on the net. As many of my students found out, again, an unsupported claim that we tested this in my classroom several ways and nothing happened. I would just say don’t believe everything you read on the net and test it yourself, you might be in for a surprise.

  4. Even after reading how disgusting it is, we all soon enough go back and go on through the "drive thru".
    You hear that McDonalds doesn't use real meat, instead they get it made at factories,freeze them and then "re-cook" them again! Putting them in boiling oil doent mean your cooking them McDonalds!

    But then again these things dont go through your mind when you sitting in the passenger seat telling you mom you want large fries with your big mac.
