Monday, January 3, 2011

Bringin' in the New Year with a Smile

I am three days into 2011 and am already labeling it a great year. Why? Well, let me rewind to way back when in 2010...

Two weeks ago. The final day of the fall semester at Chrysalis was amazing. We took a trip to Memorial City Mall for an Ice Skating extravaganza. Besides the event taking me back to my New York roots of cold winters and ice hockey on frozen ponds, it was a blast to see so many students ice skate (or perform moves that sort of resembled the activity called ice skating). By the end of the two hours, most of the students who stayed out on the ice were getting the hang of gliding gracefully--one foot in front of the other.

Next, I drove to Florida with Kiera, Macy, and Maverick to spend the Christmas season with family. While there, I ate a TON of great food, went bike riding, started bonfires, played Disc Golf, and saw a couple of movies: Tron and The Little Fockers.

But, nothing compares to this next thing. Kiera and I went to a diagnostic center to find out the gender of our baby...and we found out that it's a beautiful girl! The process of looking at the Ultrasound was pretty incredible. The technology that the doctors have is absolutely amazing. We were able to watch the baby move, stand, and practically do back flips inside Kiera's womb, all on a 32'' LCD TV screen. The 3D ultrasound allowed us to get a more detailed picture of what she looks like. Looking at the screen, staring at my future daughter, it's a feeling that I simply can't describe. I can only imagine what it will be like to see her smiling, crying, kicking, and screaming in just 6 more months! I am just so thankful that God has blessed us!

The picture below is everyone in the room looking at the ultrasound on the screen. If you look hard enough, you can see the tear marks on my mom's cheeks. We shared this awesome moment with Kiera's mom, her sister, and our brother-in-law.

Here is our beautiful Isabella; it serves as proof that there is a God...and He is good!


  1. She is GORGEOUS, already!!! Can't wait to meet Isabella!

  2. She looks just like you guys :) that is so awesome!!
