Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Speak Pre-Reading Assignment

As we begin our novel study of Laurie Halse Anderson's Speak, you are being asked to consider some major real-life situations that a person might face in high school. This novel takes the readers through a traumatic experience that the narrator faces. How she responds to the situation is a key factor in the outcome and impact of the experience.

Select one of the four opinion statements below to respond to. Your response should not only include your opinions, but it should be a thorough analysis/evaluation of the statement. If possible, make a connection to the statement in order to fully support your perspective on the issue. Remember, once everyone has posted, you will need to sign back on and respond to at least one classmate's opinion.

The Four Statements:
  1. Students who are depressed are simply afraid to deal with their real or perceived problems.

  2. Students should not tell teachers about their personal problems, no matter how serious.

  3. If someone is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, that person is not responsible for his or her actions.

  4. Girls are more likely than guys to say they have been sexually harassed.


  1. I think that students should talk about their personal problems with teachers no matter how personal they are. Sometimes parents are too busy with work and other important things and they don't pay attention or listen to what you have to say. I've seen these types of issues on TV. The daughter is saying, “Dad, I am having a problem at school, can you help me?” The dad replies, “Sorry, not right now; I am going to be late for work.” The same issue occurs with the mom. The mom's excuse is that they are doing the laundry or the dishes. Because of this, now the person has nobody to talk to. That's why there are teachers who care about us. They take time away from their free time and listen to what we have to say. The teachers do not judge as our parents do. An example would be if you one of your parents that you like somebody and you don't know what to do. The parent would say, “What's wrong with you? You shouldn't be thinking of guys or girls right now!” Now if you were to tell one of your teachers that same problem, he or she would understand you very clearly and give you advice.

    I had a similar problem like that in my past. I told my mom that I had to tell her something important. She was on the phone and told me to wait until she was done. I waited and waited and she was still on the phone. I told her again that I needed to tell her something very important. This time she gave me a very mad face and told me to leave her room. I lost all hope and went and asked a teacher. I told my teacher the same thing as I did to my mom and she gave me advice that I understood very well. That's why we should tell our personal problems to teachers, because they give us much more better advice than our parents.

  2. Samuel, this is a well-written, well-thought out response. Nice job.I am glad that you feel as though you can trust your teachers. Thanks for sharing.

  3. You should never tell you teacher about your personal problems because you never know how they might react to your problem. What if you killed someone and later you feel guilty. They might tell the police and you can even be put in death penalty. What if that person was abusing you and you didn’t tell a teacher everything.
    Sometimes the person telling the teacher leaves some details out. Teachers don’t have a sociology license and therefore can’t give you advice. If you keep telling them your problems over and over again they will get tired of you and they will feel bothered. Later on the teacher will avoid you. It’s better for teachers to not get involved because they feel closer to the student and the teacher gives them more attention and better grades to make that person feel safe and worried free.
    Teachers might harm kids in this way. What if the kid gets a 50 on a test and the teachers gives the kid a 98? It isn’t fair for other kids because everyone should be treated equally by the teacher. Teachers, kids might be messing with you so that you will feel sorry for them and to get you attention. If a student does have problems don’t help them, well, do. Tell your student that you can’t help them and suggest them to go to church and ask a priest, pastor, or minister for help. I remembered I said teacher can’t give advice but this is useful and won’t decide what path kids will take. Students, you should go to church and when you do ask the church person to help you out. They will keep your secret and give you the best help ever. They work for God; they should know the best thing to do. Never ask a teacher because you can’t trust them (only few of those teachers do care) and because you don’t know how they will react.

  4. Samuel I liked the way you thought of handling the problem. But theres other ways other people can help you teachers might act different too. If you get a girl pregnant what will a teacher say? “What’s wrong with you, tell your mom and dad” teachers can’t give students advice because they have no certificate. It’s better if you ask a church member for advice because they are more connected to what’s right and are always asking God for help too. It’s better to talk to church related people because they give you more helpful advice. Only ask a teacher when none of those people help ( parents and church workers)

  5. I strongly believe that students should be able to share their personal issues with teachers at school no matter how serious. Most Students spend 7-8 hours at school five out of seven days a week. Students spend so much time at school we are practically live there! You begin to build a relationship with at least one of your teachers. A relationship filled with complete trust and you know they would be there for you. Parents are just some times to busy to deal with extra “things” like your problems at school or with you friends. And just sometimes your parents do not approve of what you are going. For example like having a boyfriend or girlfriend. You can not talk to them about your relationship issues because you are keeping it a secret. Sometimes it is better to talk to a teacher then a parent because they won’t judge you, punish you, or even be disappointed in you
    In my opinion I have more trust in my teachers then in my parents. I know I can tell them things that I probable won’t be able my mom or dad. Also that in most cases what you tell your teacher is confidential. I have asked my mom for advice and she did give it to me, but it wasn’t advice that I would actually want to take in. She did it in her point of view, from her own life experience, and from what SHE think is right. When I went to ask a teacher they did remember that I was in middle school. It was more like getting advice from a friend your age. The kept it real and put them-selves in a teens shoes and remembered how it was for them when they were in middle school.
    I disagree with the following statement; students should not tell teachers about their personal problems, no matter how serious. I actually think it is better and helpful to get advice from a teacher. School doesn’t have to be just for education.

  6. Jonathan ,I see where you are coming from but some kids don't have an adult to get advice from and for some, teachers are the only people that can be a model in their life. I see where you say it might lead to being bias but that is why it is confidential and it’s up to the teacher not to be bias.
    Also like if you tell a teacher that they killed someone and the teacher would have to make a big serious decision on telling the police or persuade you to tell the police you’re self. Depending on the teacher they would make that decision.

  7. If someone is under the influence they are more likely to do something stupid. Consuming the drug or drink was the persons choice. I dissagre with the fact that students who are under the influence aren't responsible for there actions. If i drink are do drugs and kill someone I will still be faced with the same consecuenses even if i wasn't under the influence.
    To me there's no point in doing drugs or drinking if you know you are going to do something irational. The person who's under the influence is indiffrent about the consecuences. Yes, i know your brain dosent work well under the influence so what's the use of geting high or drunk. People who are under the influence are responsible for there actions.

  8. Samuel I beg to differ, your mom was on the phone you could have waited. Yes, we should talk teacher but we also need to talk to our parents. Teens need to trust there parents and have a close rlationship. Teachers give good advice, and have diffrent points of views.

  9. Johnny Boy, I disagree with what you said about the teacher being bias to another person. A teacher is not able to be biased when dealing with school objectives. Speaking of school objectives, a teacher is not able to lower or heighten a student's grade. This is because the grade is based on what you do and not the teacher's emotion towards you.

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  12. I agree that people are depressed because they ignore their problems. They don't directly choose to be depressed, but because they choose to ignore the problems they have. Ignoring a problem in your life can work, but only if it is a minor problem. If you ignore a big problem like a family member dieing it could lead to severe problems with depression, schizophrenia, paranoia and other mental problems.

  13. Teachers at other school might tell you they are always there for you but really aren't. It's completely different at PCMS. Teachers noticed your not being yourself they will be there so you can talk to them. I had some few problems before that I didn't want to tell my parents so I talked to my teacher Mr.Little. It spilled my guts out to him, he gave me great advice. I have been thought by him for three years already I can actually trust him. Teachers don't have to listen to our problems but our teachers are there. Sometimes you know they will be better to talk to than your parent. Your parent judge you but our teachers give us advice, they wont judge. It might have nothing to do with school, but maybe that problem your having might affect you in school. Its not bad letting it out to a teacher, its better than keeping it inside. I am really thankful that I have teachers that actually care for us. In my opinion I prefer talking to a teacher because I really feel close to the teacher, I spend about 8 hours in school. We build trust everyday. Sometimes you already know what will your parents reaction will be and it wont be the best. I don't agree with the statement" Students should not tell teachers about their personal problems, no matter how serious." I believe it would probably better. They might understand you better because you spend most of your time at school. Some might think that our teachers don't care, I disagree they do care.

  14. We as people have some issues that we sometimes keep away from are parents and the only person we can turn to is are teacher. Are teachers in my opinion are always there for us in the good and bad times. There always there to talk to I know that I can trust on my teachers to tell them any type of situation no matter how serious it is. We sometimes try to tell are parent's about our problems but they sometimes say "Honey I'm busy or I'm tired" They don't always listen to us when we try to talk to them about a situation. We sometimes don't tell are parents because sometimes you think they won't understand or your just afraid of telling them because you don't know what their response would be. Those things happen sometimes parent's don't understand what we are going through and interpret things wrongly. I can tell you this from experience I might sometimes be telling my mom something but she would take it in the wrong way and you feel like if there's nobody there for you that understand what your really going through. Then when you go to school you see that your not alone that there's somebody there that will aways be there to help you for anything that's you teacher.
    Anyway our teachers practically know us already they know how we act and how we are around people. There like you can say your other parents that teach you about school. I'm not trying to say that there going to replace our parents because they will never replace our real parents that raced us and cared for us since we were born. But there are teachers you can say listen and understand better and actually give you really good advice because they can help you with any type of situation that we as students face. I say this because maybe the teachers also went through the same thing as we are going through and they have an idea of how to handle that type of situation.

  15. I agree with Jackie G, it's true that we spend most of our time at school. We build trust with every teacher. Sometimes your parent don't have the time to hear you, it's better than keeping it inside. Talking to your teacher in my opinion is better because they give you better advice that your parents might not be able to give. Our parents give also give advise but using there life experience not ours. Parents only know what happens at home not at school.

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  17. I strongly believe that students should not be afraid to share their personal life with teachers. Teachers have a education some of our parents don't. This means that some parents wont see our problems as a teacher would a parent would quickly find a punishment for their kid and wont even listen. A teacher would hear the student and make sure that she/he is ok. The teacher would have to understand since that is the reason the student came to them.
    I'm not saying to go to any teacher and tell them, ask for advice! You should go to the teacher you really trust and since you probably know their personal life as well I would go for the one that you connect to your life the most.
    A student should have trust on a teacher and the teacher trust on their students(Mr. Little)! For no reason should you loose that trust I believe that a teacher should give their honest opinion as well(not just go and tell the students parents). This issue has to do with having trust with a teacher.
    A student should not feel anything bad about telling a teacher about their personal life they should say it and have trust on the teacher as I said before.
    Plus whe spend most of our time at school just how Jakie G said so I agree with her we the students should mot be scared to step up and tell a teachers aour problems. Step up and tell a teacher! If I had a problem I would go to Mr.little and Mr. Stocker
    P.S Mr.little when you read this If I would get in trouble and get myself into a fight I would ask you to get my back, just saying!

  18. Hey Jonathan, your post was well thought and well organized. You have a very strong voice towards what you said to the teachers. I liked the part where you mentioned to talk to church members. I see how your going with this, but in my opinion I don't think teachers are biased. Sure they will feel bad for the student, but that doesn't mean that they are going to change their grade. No teacher can do that, because like you said, it's not fair for the other students. I got a question for you, How do you know that teachers change grades for the student that does not have a good life? In fact, that person should stop thinking of what they are thinking of and focus more on their studies. The only thing that would make the student happy, is getting to college and then start their career.

  19. I agree with what Calvin said about Jonathan's post. I extremely disagree with what Jonathan said. Teachers can be trusted. Teachers are are old enough to understand thing, close enough so that they are comfortable to talk to and far enough so that you don't actually worry about what they think. Thats exactly what a psychologist is like, so therefore a teacher is like a psychologist, I should know, I read a book on psychology and the human psyche.

  20. Jonathatn I disagree with your comment in my opinion I think we should tell our teachers about any kind of problems. You might think how can teachers help us in any kind of way but they actually help you by giving you really good advice I'm telling you this from experience. I'm not saying that our teachers have to be are best friends but there sombody you can turn to always there always there for you and you can trust them with anything.

  21. “Students who are depressed are simply afraid to deal with their real or perceived problems.” The problem really has a lot to do with whether or not the student chooses to deal with that particular issue and if they don’t deal with the issue, it just depends on the student.
    I honestly think that students that are depressed are in fact dealing with their issues. That’s their reason for being so troubled. I say this because if I were to ignore my issues or problems, I would be happy not upset. For you to forget about all the issues that are holding you back, why wouldn’t you be happy?
    Whenever I have major issues, many dealing with my family, I hate to deal with the issue. If I decide to deal with the issue it means I have to go through the, the hurtfulness of the situation, the hopelessness. Then again, if I chose not to go through with dealing with the upsetting situation, I don’t have to worry, I don’t have to cry, I don’t have to listen to the heartbreaking explanations. I suppose that’s why I look at this situation the way I do. From personal experience.
    Also in the book, Melissa, is so unenthusiastic about her life in the beginning weeks of High school. Why? Melissa is negative in the text where she says, “I am Outcast,” for what I think, is her depression about knowing the truth is in reality speaking. So imagination take place, what if Melissa had thrown her problems aside? Would that not have made her more likely to make friends, to see her high school years in a different view instead of, “Only 699 days and 7 class periods until graduation.”
    From the movie Rocky: “But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward”
    This quote has a lot to do with what my view in situations that bring on depression, my view is no matter what life throws at you the best solution is to keep moving forward. Even if that means having to deal with the one issue that you have forever been trying to avoid and go through it.
    -Savannah J. Brown

  22. I strongly believe students should go to there our teachers for guidence. Teachers are there when you need them the most they know you well enough to understand you. Most of the time they tell you Im here if you need me that show the student that you care about what's happening in there life. Like my parents I don't talk to them about any serious stuff that's going on in my life because even though there my parents and they have my back no matter what Im not completely convince they would understand me like others will. There's things that you have to keep and things that are to be told. Most of us fight with our parents and we think oh they won't understand well in a matter of fact im one of those people. They dont actually know my true colors and what i really want. That's when a teacher comes along I've been with the same teachers since i was in 6th grade and some of them i fully trust with some serious problems that I have. You grow a bond between each other as individuals you consider them as another member of your family, someone you could tell everything to them like a best friend. In addition, they know your true colors than any one else than you could persive. That is why I draw in conclusion, I agree students should tell teachers about there personal problams instead of keeping there feelings inside bottled up.

  23. People who are pressured into consuming drugs are more likely to do something that will have a bad consequence. Generally, I conceive that that is true because it is the person’s fault for taking the drug. It’s not like they are being forced to take the drug or being held at gunpoint. They have the chance to say “no” but then don’t say it. And they are afraid of what other might think if they don’t take it. And when it comes to a taste or try then they suddenly want more and more. Then it’s too much and they get high/drunk and do something that will get them in big trouble.

    Samuel, I disagree with you because your parents are bound to be there for you no matter what. Sure they might be busy a few times but they aren’t busy ALL the time. Plus, why wouldn’t they want to help out their own child? And I’m pretty sure there are other family members that would help you, at least one. Also, you can’t just be telling your teachers your problems. What if it’s something that your parents don’t know and then they end up telling them. First, you lose their trust. Secondly, you should have told your parents in the first place no matter the consequence. By the way, you should have the guts to tell your parents anything because they are the ones who raised you and no one is going to understand you like them because there is a good chance they went through the same situation you did at your age.

    1. I disagree with what you said about Samuel's comment. I mean, some people's parents really aren't there for them and won't help. In my case, I've asked my mom several times to call a psychologist for me to talk to about some issues I've been dealing with and she still hasn't done anything. She won't talk to me or give me advice on serious subjects. However, when I told a teacher I trusted, I was given an unbiased opinion and advice that really helped me more than my mother could.

  24. Emely, I agree entirely! There was once I tried to tell my mom something her response was, a look and “I’m busy…later. Okay?” Later never happened. So I took my issue and talked it out with a teacher instead. Sometimes I practically feel like school is my home, so why can’t I tell my teachers some issues I’m having? I see no major issue with it. And in some cases I think teachers might even have a better answer than maybe your parents would. Because maybe your parents have never been in that type of situation but your teacher has. So Emely, I really think you’re truthful to this issue.
    -Savannah J. Brown

  25. I think that girls are not likely that to say that they have been sexually harassed because sometimes women try to keep their feelings in a box. A woman wouldn’t go out and tell the whole world “Oh I’ve been sexually harassed” especially if they are a mother. They always try to give the better side to a situation. Women always try to act positive and happy to every single situation going on in their lives. I think they make an effort to act like if they are just fine in front of their kids because they don’t like them to see them cry or to think that there is something wrong with them. They wouldn’t like to see them suffer with them. I think that women would try to keep something to themselves longer than a guy because a guy has a reputation and it wouldn’t be “cool” for a guy to say they have been harassed because they wouldn’t be seen as a tough guy.
    I tough that I would connect a women to a clown not because of the way the dress or how they look but because a clown may be making a whole crowd laugh at the moment but from the inside they may feel like they are dying because they may be going through a really bad situation. A women like I said before would make everything look like it is ok but may be they would be going through a tough time like knowing that you have been harassed but you won’t say anything to worry or make someone feel bad.

  26. I definitely disagree with the third statement,” If someone is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, that person is not responsible for his or her actions.” I disagree because he or she was responsible for their actions. They were the one who chose to get drunk or high. They made that decided to do it even though they knew the consequences, but no they still did it. I know that when you are drunk or high you lose your set of thinking clearly because the drink or drug affects people a lot. When you loose your head, you will do actions that you weren’t supposed to, but that is no excused for your mistakes you made. It’s your fault and will always be because no one can’t go back to the past and change what someone made. I am not making this, its true. For example, many people have gone to parties and most of them will have people offering you some alcohol or drugs. You might be having a lot of fun, but until comes up to you and tells you, “Do you want some…” I know that most likely you will think about the consequences you will have if the answer is yes. In that moment everything depends on you if you will say no or you will extend your hand to reach for it. If you say no your life will continue like always, but if you choose to get some, you life will turn around completely and will never be the same like before. This is what I mean, that it is your fault not the alcohol or the drugs. You may say any excuse, but it was you. Well, if you don’t want to end up in the wrong place, so like they say, think first then do what you have to do.

  27. Jonathan, you have a good point you should not trust all teachers only a few. I like all the examples that you used, it is well organized and i loved it.

  28. I see what you mean Elizabeth, I agree. It was their choice to get high or drunk, and even if they were never under the influence they would still be charged with the same thing. But I see that you ask, “So what's the use of getting high or drunk.” The person isn’t really thinking about what’s the point but where that high could take them. Away from their problems, their differences with other people, their pain; that’s where they want to go, just away. But all in all, you were absolutely right (in my opinion) that people who are under the influence are responsible for their actions.
    -Savannah J. Brown

  29. I agree with you marlene because it is all true people arent forced to do drugs or get drunk they do it at their own will not thinking of the consequences but at what other people will think of them if they dont do it.Anyways people are responsible for their own actions and if you act to do it you cant blame it on anyone else because you had a decicion to say no and you they decided not to do it

  30. If someone is high or drunk are their actions their fault. It is their fault for drinking and or getting high. But what if their drinking regular soda and someone slip you something without you knowing it. Is it still your fault if you do something crazy or not. What if someone is switching drinks and they switch your drinks. Is it still your fault? It is your fault to drink alcoholic drinks. But what if someone forces you to drink. What if they say that if you don’t drink it there going to hurt you or your family? Joking or not you’re probably going to do it. If you might want to expiries something new. When you turn twenty one you is most likely going to drink. When you drink you do stupid things sometimes. What if you hurt someone you are properly going to say that you where drink and it wasn’t your fault. So if you hurt someone when you where drunk then you know. I never hurt anyone when I was drunk because in ever been drunk or high.

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  32. Jackie I think your right, we do kind of live at school. So we do build a relationship with some teachers, because I remember at the beginning of the year, many of the teachers told us, “If you are having any issues, whether it be boyfriends, family, friends…I am here.” (This I mainly remember from Mrs. P and Mrs. Robayo.) But I think I trust my teachers more than my parents so that’s where I sort of disagree. Since my parents were the one who raised me, taught me certain beliefs that I don’t learn in school, and have already gone through much more with me rather than any teacher ever will.
    -Savannah J. Brown

  33. I know Emely that parents tell you “Later, not now”, but your parents are the ones who raised you since you were a baby. They are the ones who know you more than others. There are problems that are really, really serious, but I don’t think that you will go to your teacher and tell them straight up your problem. He or she might give you good advice, but there are problems that are bigger. Also it depends on the teacher because you should really trust the teacher before saying something. You need to know them for a long time and very well.

  34. I disagree with” If someone is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, that person is not responsible for his or her actions.” Think about it it’s your choice to use drugs and alcohol. If u hadn’t consume the substance u wouldn’t have had the actions that u have consuming alcohol. Addiction, women abuse, neglecting family, and affecting every person around you because u chooses to put their lives their families in harms way. It comes down to one thing at the end of the day people wish they hadn’t consume the substance because once u do it u cant wish it away. As much u want it to go away u cant and u live with that on your mind.

    Alcohol and drugs brings the worst out all men. It makes the smartest men to make bad decisions it make people turn their backs on the people they love and hurt them. It true, it makes kids grow up with out a father to care for them. Families go through hardships dealing with the person addiction and then when u try to help them and they choose the substance over you. To get even associated bring families into fear and there consequences to every second they spend with that substance. I grew up with my mom and she raise me on her own and she face a lot of struggles and like I hardly saw her because she had to work alot for she can raise me. I wasn’t raise with the best place to live but at the same time when I was that age were I couldn’t understand things. My father was never around so I couldn’t see him and then not to long ago I found out the truth about my father and like wow even being associated with that I lost my father. I Crew up without a father figure that kids my age want to be like. Basically u hurt more than your self u hurt others, Or that poor kid looking at the road waiting for his dad.

  35. Students should not tell teachers about their personal problems, no matter how serious.
    A student is able to talk to anyone he or she trusts because all the statement is saying that the student should not tell a teacher about his or her problems. The student is able to have the ability to choose whether or not he/she wants to express their feelings and the person he or she wants to talk to.
    I believe that students should be able to express their feelings than keeping them in. We all should not have to keep them in and explode. Explaining the things needed to will lift up a lot of weight off your shoulders and you will be happier. One problem though, when you want to talk to someone about something really serious like being murderer, you have to tell your parents. They are the ones that have kept you alive not your teachers and they can help you through papers, getting a lawyer, etc… Also, they will most likely not turn you in if they love and trust you a lot.
    I think that I will tell my teachers the things desired to lift away. I trust some teachers enough to talk about things they will understand. I know a teacher that has a story for nearly everything and will talk to that person if needed. Many people may not believe it or not but I have some problems that will affect my relationship with my parents. I may seem like a goody-goody but inside me, I am fighting a war of respect and love.
    I just want to say one more thing. Teachers are people with experienced with children and they can help with many situations. I also think that you should have a limit in talking about what problems you have to a teacher.
    A teacher is not your only trusted person.

    Here is a little thing I thought up while typing.

    • The teachers=your pet
    • The teacher speaking=the sound the pet makes
    • You talking=you talking
    • You asking a question=you asking them to bark
    • The teacher responding=you giving the friend a treat
    • You accepting the response=you rubbing the pet’s face.

    Your dog does not bark when you are talking. They do bark when you ask it to. You then give them a treat and rub its furry, little, cute face because you love its obedience.

    (The teacher is listening to you while you explain your situation. When you ask them a question, the teacher responds and you then acknowledge their response. )

  36. I believe that girls are indeed more likely to say that they have been sexually harassed than guys are. The reason why I believe that is because guys have pride and a stereotype over them that is "guys are strong, toughen up, dont be a girl". With that stereotype guys think that if they speak up and say that they have been sexually harassed they will be looked at as "wimps". On the other hand girls are told that if something happens to them or if they are harassed they should tell their mom. Girls are also treated differently than guys. For example my mom tells me that if I am ever harassed I have to tell her, and she is also very protective over me. However she justs tells my brother that he needs to take care of himself.
    Even though I believe girls are more likely to say that they have been sexually harassed, girls are still ashamed to say they have been harassed. They dont want to be looked at as the black sheeps of society or look like they are "dirty". Girls are afraid to say that they have been sexually harassed, but guys have much more pride because of the way they are labeled. In conclusion girls are more likely to say that they have been sexually harassed.

  37. “If someone is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, that person is not responsible for his or her actions.”

    People who smoke or drink usually get high/drunk. When a person is high/drunk, they lose the ability to think. Their world is slurred. Everything is blurry and they can barely stand. People make mistakes. And if they wreck while they are high/drunk, it’s not their fault. It was the drug that caused the incident. That person didn’t mean to hurt anybody. If that person could think correctly, they probably wouldn’t have gotten in the car and the whole accident could have been avoided. But that person is not responsible. What if they drink or use drugs because they feel like it is their only solution. Lots of teenagers turn to alcohol or drugs because it’s their way out. They feel as if nobody cares. So they get drunk or high. When they or drunk/ high, they are worry-free and they don’t have a care in the world. It is their escape. The drug is to blame, not the teenager. The alcohol is to blame, not the teenager. The parents are the blame for not being a greater influence in their child’s lives. If the parents sat down with the teens and asked about their problems/issues, then the teenager wouldn’t feel the need to drink or use drugs.

  38. I see your point Doris and I also think that women keep their emotions in a box because they dont want society to look at them as dirty. However, they are more likely to say that they have been sexually harassed. Because guys have pride that they are supposed to be strong, they wont speak up. I disagree with you on that, but I still see where you are coming from.

  39. In my opinion talking to a teacher about your problems isn't bad at all. We teenage kids sometimes have no one else to turn to or to tell someone our problems to. The teachers on the other hand are always there for us. Maybe not 24.7, but they are always available to help us out on any situation no matter how small or how big. On the other hand our parents sometimes are too busy to listen to us and for that reason many keep there problems inside. That is a major issue because it can damage us deep inside, that is why many of us as well go to our teachers and talk to them about our problems we are facing. The teachers are people who know what to do on different types of situations because have experienced it with previous students. In fact the teachers won't judge you, but your parents probably will. It is not easy having trust on teachers, but it is okay to share your personal life with the teachers because over the years you get to know them and trust them. Of course you aren't going to tell all the teachers about your problems because you don't know how they'll react to the problem. If you tell any teacher about your problems they can go to your parents and tell them. That is why it's hard to have trust on teachers and like me I only have trust on two teachers. Our teachers know us very well and know how who we are, so I know I can trust them. I can go to them and talk to them about any circumstance and I know they will understand. We spend most of our time at school so why would we be afraid to tell them our problems. Some say that are techaers don't have time or don't even care, but I disagree our teachers care about us just like if we were their own friends. It's not a crime to trust you teachers and tell them your problems and it isn't bad at all.

  40. Alba I understand why you say that we shouldn't tell the teachers because our parents are the ones who raised us, but you can't always tell your parents everything. If you liked a boy or if you didn't like someone in school and you were having trouble with that person if you tell your parents there going to want to talk to that person. They are going to want to do something about it and instead of helping you they might end up making your problem worse. That is why I think that talking to a teacher we help you because that way you won't keep it inside you and let it hurt you. Instead you can let it out and receive great advice and yes you do need to know the teacher very well in order to tell that teacher about your problems, but it isn't such a bad thing to talk to them about your difficulties

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  42. Jesse, I never thought about it that way. I see your reasoning for thinking the person isn’t responsible. When someone drinks or gets high, you aren’t thinking correctly well…the way you would if you weren’t under the influence. I don’t think that means the person isn’t to blame. They were the ones to choose to consume the alcohol or drugs just to get away. I know many people know the effects things get fuzzy, you can’t remember how you got where you are, you feel sick, you feel nasty. I guess I never took into consideration that Parents could be the ones to blame. It’s true, in a way, because sometimes I wonder since when did my mom ever stop asking, “How was your day?” Was it when I stopped responding? It makes me rethink this whole situation…
    -Savannah J. Brown

  43. “Students should not tell teachers about their personal problems, no matter how serious”
    I strongly disagree with this statement. I personally do think that students should tell their teachers their personal problems in some cases. In my opinion I think that a teacher may be your instructor for the majority of the day but as well as your well trusted friend after hours. For some students there have been cases in which they may have a certain problem and they are not so sure how to deal with it either because they are afraid of telling their parents, their parents are busy or simply, they just can’t find any body trust worthy enough. In my opinion the best way to go into a solution is having a conversation with your teacher.
    By this conversation with your teacher I believe you are able to build a strong relationship. As well you my find it surprising enough to know that probably the same issues you are having, your teacher may have experienced it before. Let’s say by their experiences they might help you see the situation in a different perspective, as well their advice may help you take the right decisions depending on ones issues. Many possible outcomes may occur and you may never know, teachers maybe the person for you.
    Honestly, sometimes I may find it easier to speak with a teacher than with a parent or a friend. To me, your teacher maybe like your older brother or sister, they know what’s right and what wrong. They know what the best decision may be, they are able to help you in any time with any situation. Teachers may not only be your instructors, they may be your friend as well.

  44. Francisco, I disagree with you, mainly because what if you tell your teacher something really creepy or personal. Like when Mr. Little used the example with me being pregnant, if I really did tell him that it would make our student/teacher relationship awkward. The next day he sees me, he is going to be looking at me funny and I’m going to start crying. And who knows? What if I kill myself? Okay I’m going to stop saying “I” because I am not pregnant, and it is not possible. (Bad example Mr. Little). So, a student really has to limit how much they trust a teacher, and what they tell a teacher.

  45. I agree with Emily because it true there somethings you cant talk about with your parents because they take it the wrong way sometimes and like then instead of listing they ask questions about why u asking that. Then like they don’t give u the advice they tell u what to do all the time or they just don’t hear you out. Sometimes it hard for u talk to your parents because you wonder what are the going say are the going to punish me or judge me. So many things go into your head. The only time you hear or get listen to it from school and your teacher have been in middle school like u have and they have more experience in life. They listen and they have time for u and they would give u advice on what to do. What not to do or how to talk to your parents.They always there for u and try to help u.

  46. I strongly disagree with jhonathan because teachers actually want to gain your trust and Mr.Little always says he is there when we need him. The teacher has the choice to tell your parents. You should speak to a teacher about personal problems because school is like a second home we spend half of the day there. And teacher are not baised because it is against the contract.

    -Ariel Carter

  47. I agree that if you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol you are not responsible for your actions. When your drunk and or hi you don’t have the presence of your mind to choose between what you should and shouldn’t do. True you chose to drink and or do drugs but you live in the now. You are put pressure on and you force yourself. A friend of mine had a brother but he had gone to a party and was pressured to drink. That night he ran around in the freezing cold with only boxers and a muscle shirt. He got arrested for public intoxication, being a nuisance, and for underage drinking. But he wasn’t thinking when he was running around in the street. He was oblivious to any real danger, because life was like a dream.
    Alcohol numbs the mind and your body to where you feel nothing or think anything. The person is not responsible. The alcohol is responsible for making the mind and feeling go away. The alcohol makes you feel as if you can do anything to anyone at anytime. It takes you to your own little world where nothing is wrong. Not even right. Anything you do while you’re in your own little world is neutral because the mind is neutral and numb. It maybe your body doing the action, but your mind controls the body and without the mind your body does not know what to do so it acts in the moment and by what it sees and how you feel about the situation

    - Ariel Carter

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  49. Mariano, I agree with you saying that people are responsible for their own actions while consuming alcoholic beverages. I believe that if a person begins to consume the beverage there are responsible for their own actions.
    Dealing with a beverage that has been secretly mixed with alcohol or any other substance may be something to think about too as you mentioned before. In my opinion I think that once you are given a beverage by someone you don’t know start thinking the worst inside your mind, and leave the drink somewhere else. As well once you get a drink don’t leave it unattended, if you do I would suggest getting another one. You never know, they might have mixed your drink with an alcoholic substance that may affect your actions later on.

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  51. In my opinion I think that students should tell the teachers about their personal problems. Why? Mainly because they trust the teachers more than the parents. When they have personal problems and they try to tell their friends doesn't really help a lot because there's no point of getting advise from another 13 or 14 year old. Parents can take it the wrong way and don't really understand your "Problems". In the other hand our teachers knows us better , we spent half of our day in school and they know us pretty well. Yeah, our parents raised us but over time people change the way they are and the way they think. Teachers know how are we doing just by looking at us and observe the way we react during school. As a personal experience once I told my mom one of my problems I was going through and by the next day my aunt knew too. Of course my mom told her because their really close sisters. Since then I never really tell my parents anything because it goes around the family. I am more trustworthy with a teacher because I Know they won't judge us and at least try to understand our problems. I know that if i tell a teacher It would stay safe. Keeping the problems inside might make you stressed and it's better to just let it out. It's kind of hard to sit down and talk about problems with your parents because some of the problems are way to personal and you might be scared of how they take it. Teachers help us grow an education to be successful in life , but what successful life would it be if it's full of problems? That are some reasons why I think students should tell the teachers their problems.

  52. "If someone is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, that person is not responsible for his or her actions." I strongly disagree with this statement because when a person decides to get high or drunk they know that for every action they take there might be consequences. Also because when a person decides to get drunk or high it's also like if they are also understand the fact that they might not the right thing, witch then they are taking in the fact that they might be hold responsible for their actions.

    Recently my uncle had an accident for being under alcohol influence. Gladly nothing happened to him but the truck he was driving ended up not being useful anymore. Even though he was under alcohol influence he was still held up for his actions. This is the reason why I disagree with this statement, and I also think my experience is a good example of proving wrong the statement.

    Doris, I disagree with your answer because a girl is normally taught by her family that if they are getting touched inappropriately they should right away tell someone so they can know the situation that might be going on. However I see your point and were are you going with this. I also found really interesting the connection with the clown and the women.

    -Erika Bueno

  53. I believe that students should tell teachers about their issues, no matter how serious. Sometimes students build better relationships with their teachers than with their parents I know this because I have called some of my teachers mom. This makes the rest of the day wired but shows how close you are to the teacher.
    In other occasions your parents are too busy spoiling your chubby little brother to remember you exist, trust me it happens. They can also be busy yelling at your older brother to get a job to fix the garage he “accidently” burned down. Maybe they are just too busy with their jobs or just not present in your life. This leaves you with no one to talk to but yourself or a teacher.
    The teachers in PCMS are always ready to listen to their students no matter how serious or silly the problem. For example when my gold fish died of electrocution Ms. Robayo told me to suck it up that she would get me another one, this really made me feel better.(I never got that fish) Another personal experience were I learned to trust my teacher was when all my family issues caught up to me. I would usualy ignored them but at that time it was too much. I could not tell my parents because they were part of the issue themselves. I went to Mr. Little who knew just what to do. He sat me down in his couch and sat back and listen. It was just like therapy except there was no 100$ an hour and he didn’t give me happy pills.

  54. I Agree with Yesenia because girls seem to be more sensitive about things. If they put it out in public people might think wrong of them. The guys most likely won't do anything about it since they don't want to look as weak. It's also true that parents seem to be over protective with the girls than boys. For a girl to be saying that they been sexually harassed makes people think of her in another way more like a "dirty" way like Yesenia said. If they hear it coming from a boy they won't really do anything because they guys are "stronger".

  55. I disagree with Calvin not because he kicked me the other day but because you can trust your teachers specially the ones in PCMS. In the other hand i agree with Samuel and thought the dialog was cool.

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  57. Jesse, you made me ,as well as Savvanah, rethink if it is the parents to blame for what the teenagers do. It is true that when teenagers drink or get high it is to escape from ths non-careless world. These drugs do make you loose your sense and well you really don't know what your doing because everything seems blurry and fuzzy, but it is the parents fault for not showing there kids that they still care about them. You made me think that maybe it is the drugs fault not theres'.
    -Jamilet Perdomo

  58. I strongly Believe that students should tell their teachers about their issues because they might not have nobody to talk to. They maybe feel that their teachers are the only one to tell about their teachers. I believe that in some cases the students should trust the teachers more than the parents because your parent might go off and tell other relatives. In other words teachers are more willing to understand the students issues because they are very well educated. the teacher can tell other teachers but that doesn't really happen because they know how you feel and they know not to share it with anyone.
    In some issues we might have, our parents might take it the wrong way and they won't understand your problem. Students might trust the teachers more because there with us almost the whole day and they know when something is wrong with us.

  59. Andreina, I disagree with you because what if the students have anybody to talk to. They just have the teachers. I understand that in some cases the students might not want to tell the teachers but its about letting out your emotions. Teachers are very well educated and they are more willing to keep a secret than parents will.

  60. I strongly believe that no matter what drug you do or whatever alcoholic beverage you drink, your still the same person you always been and it is your responsibility . Being under the influence of a drug, or any drink only messes your mind up. But you are still there, you just don't know what is right or what's wrong. When your under whatever type of influence your in, your just hurting your self because its different things going into your body. I still think that when you smoke or drink is your responsibility for doing such things. Some people can take responsibility under the influence since they know when to stop, they limit themselves.
    I still think that it is the persons responsibility because its just the person who took the drink or the drug. If your not responsible of your self, why even take anything? It will get you more messed up. To be honest, some people don't even know how to control themselves on to to these influences that are open to them. Either they drink to fast, or they just don't know how to do any drug. We are responsible for what we do.

  61. The issue on whether the students should talk to their teachers about their own personal problems no matter how serious they are is strongly debated between the students at PCMS. Some believe they shouldn’t talk to their teachers about their problems and others think the contrary because of several reasons. However, I believe that the students should indeed talk to teachers they trust at their school because they might not always want to speak to their own parents about their problems. In my opinion, teachers would be really trustworthy to talk to because they are practically the people a student spends most of his or her time with during school hours. A student goes to school for at least five days a week with the minimum of seven hours a day too. Therefore, we can infer that most of the child’s life would revolve around both the parents and the teachers for sure. I think that talking or sharing personal problems with a teacher isn’t a bad thing because teachers can help a lot in several situations (maybe more than your own parents at times). I especially believe this because of the fact that I go to a pretty small middle school where we all see each other as family, even the teachers. School is like our second home for PCMS students because most of us don’t go home until after 4 or 5 pm in the afternoon. I can’t speak for others but I personally have grown enough trust in my tree years of chrysalis that I can confidently go up to almost any of my teachers and ask them for advice or just someone to talk to about my personal problems. When I talk to any of my teachers today about things that don’t deal with school, I know that I will walk out of that room feeling better about my situation.

  62. Mariano, I disagree with you, even though you do in fact prove a good point. However, people who drink already know what the next step is after drinking or smoking. It may not be their fault, like you say, if they don’t even know when they put drugs in their drink, but people always have somewhat of control of their body. Let’s say you were drinking a soda at a party and you decide to go to the restroom. If that individual was smart and thought about it, they should’ve taken their drink with them to the restroom so that the drink can be secure and you know that nothing happen to, but O.K., let’s say you forgot the drink. When you return from the restroom don’t drink the same beverage that was on your table, to be safe another drink. So in other words, it will still be the person’s fault and responsibility.

  63. Alan, i completely agree with your statement about the teachers sometimes being the only person you want to look up to for advice because i am sure that every student sometime in their life will feel trapped in a way and will just want to speak to someone that is not a family member.The teachers are indeed the people we spend most of our time with and i agree that at times your trust towards a teacher can be grater than the trust towards your own parent.

  64. I strongly agree with the first quote. I think if students are depressed its because they are just afraid to open up and deal with their problems. There are many people that would keep their problems bottled up, but all that does it put them aside and never really get rid of them.
    If a person keeps their feelings bottled up all that does is pile all of them until you can’t take it anymore. Eventually your problems will come back for you and haunt you down. This will make you feel depressed once more and you will feel like there is no way you can handle them.
    Some may disagree and say that they just don’t want to deal with them and think its better to not to talk about them because they will go away in it own. I disagree with that because as I said before nothing goes away on its own, especially not depression. Depression is mean for someone to treat it and to treat it well.
    I think students/ people are just afraid to deal with their problems because they think they will be judged. If someone never opens up they are just letting fear control their lives. Since these people don’t open up because they are scared they just keep getting depressed.
    Having problems is not ones choice, but not dealing with them is. It’s the choice of one to keep your feeling bottled in. It’s the choice of one to open up and let all your problems try to be solved. With this said its ones choice to be depressed because we are simply afraid.

    --Josselyn M(:

  65. Michael, I think you have a point when you say that sometimes we might not exactly want to talk to our parents about our problems. I believe that, the reason is because we might be scared of feeling rejected by them or being judged for our mistakes.

  66. “Students should not tell teachers about their personal problems, no matter how serious.”
    I strongly disagree with statement. In my opinion students should talk to their teacher about their problems. We spend a lot of time in school, as that time passes by you start building up trust on your friends and start asking for advice or just simply talk about your problems. Some times we have problems that we can’t go to our parents to talk about them so we go to our friends. Our parents may be “busy” or will say “not know honey I’m tired” that’s when we just don’t know what to do no more. Friends are there if you need help but remember they are also our age so if we don’t know what to do well they wont either, in this case we can go to our teachers maybe they have been through the same situation as you are in and can give you advice. At our age were in the dating process and I know it would be weird to talk about your problems with your mom or dad about your relationship with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Like everybody says “ Chrysalis isn’t like any other middle school” here we are a family and trust each other we don’t have a lot of teachers which makes you can see which teacher is like you or who you think can help you with any problems you have. Depending on the situation your in you will always have someone there but if your parents aren’t and neither are your friends the best thing to do is talk to the person you’ve been knowing for the past years(your teacher). Your teachers know you very well and its better to go talk to them instead of talking to a person that doesn’t even know you.

  67. I believe people are responsible of their actions if they are under influence. They knew making that decision was wrong and the negative consequences that came upon it. They knew that once the had a little taste of it the addiction will tempt them and win the battle. Once they did it would be only a matter a time until the severe thing will start to happen. Where their minds will not be able to think straight and start to react with different behaviour. Where you are capable of killing someone by drinking and driving or by simply abusing someone. You have just commited a crime. You we feel guilthy of what you have done and how that negatively impacted someone elses life. Now that there is no turning back and no escape, this tragedy will hunt you forever!. It is hard to accept what seemed to be just "one beer, one pill, one injection," turned out to be "ones life". But it is the truth and that is why it was his responsibily. That person was aware of what could possibly happen. He could not be exempt because it was not the drug, etc that did the mistake. Unfortantly it is you, the person who choose to do it! (It is important to make the righ choice and take in to consideration our mistakes to not commit them again.)

  68. Jesse, i agree with you in the part where you said "Lots of teenagers use alcohol and drugs as a way out." Your right, most teenagers do find "Doing Drugs" as a way to get out of a situation, or to just say that they don't care.
    Theres only two things that i disagree on you with,one is the part were you said this "Its the alcohol to blame, not the teenager." I think it is the teenagers fault because they had a choice to say "no." But they did not want to say it. It is the teenagers fault. Also, it may also not only be the parents fault for not having an influential part in their children's life because it may also be the community, all the living factors around that teenager.

  69. Savannah, I strongly disagree with you when you say you would just put your problems aside. I believe that if you do that its because you have "fear" of facing them and thats the reason you do it. I believe that if you dont deal with the problem that may "not" be bugging you at the beginning all it will do is come back after wards maybe even worse, but you will have to deal with it sooner or later.

  70. I truly agree with Yesenia, I know how you feel my mom always tells me that and also I have older brother that is over protective. Guys think that they are the tough ones that they wont be touched and hide the truth which makes them never speak up, girls in the other hand will speak up because we might need the help not like the guys that wont talk because they will feel embarrassed. I like that you compared this to your own life and a well thought out response.

  71. I think girls are definitely more likely than guys to admit they have been sexually harassed. In life, people are raised in different ways depending on their gender. When it comes to a topic like sexual harassment no guy wants to be the one to admit they were held against their will and taken over. Girls on the other hand are known to have a higher percent chance of being sexually harassed, so there are many women in the past who have stepped up to the plate and tried to actually motivate other women to join together and do something about the issue. These are one of the few occurrences where men are left out of the picture and women take over and it’s wrong. Anyone can be a victim to this problem and women are leaving out the people who need support the most.
    The parents make the girls believe that they are these sweet angelic beings that should always be treated with respect, and the guys should be tough and always made of steel. These are the situations that I lived through every day with my family. I was always treated like the “baby” of the family since I was the youngest and the only girl. As I watched my brothers grow up they were always independent and stayed to themselves a lot. They had privileges at my age that I can only dream of having. Even though they are older now and gotten somewhere with their lives, I know they experienced a few bumps along the road. I remember seeing my brother come home with a hint of a bruise on his face from time to time but he always tried to hide it. He never told my parents because he was afraid to speak up. That’s what needs to change.

  72. I believe that students should be able to communicate with their teachers about their problems. Parents may be our first choice but we should always have a second person tell our problems to. The problem that we are dealing with may be in fact about our family. So you won’t be able to talk to your parents about something that has to do about them. About 50% of our time we spend with our teachers at school because we attend school every day so I would consider my teachers as a second parent since they would already know the way I am.
    Unfortunately some children, or teenagers, don’t even know about their parents so they can’t go to their parents because they won’t be there for them. In the other hand, we have teachers every day so I believe that we can always count on them. Let’s say you don’t want your parents to know about your problem. For example, perhaps you are pregnant and you don’t want your parents to find out. Therefore, you may go to a teacher asking for help. For some people school is like home, and the best resource they have is their own teachers.
    Some parents are too harsh with their kids, and they might even beat them when they tell them what’s going on, unlike a teacher. A teacher will not harm you, but listen to you. If you came to a teacher that means that you feel confident enough to talk about your problem. If the student doesn’t feel confident enough, then why would that individual even go to the teacher? It is the student’s decision, but I still see why it is bad to tell your teacher your problems. They will always be there for you and plus they know you well-enough.

  73. Nataly i agree with you. We have been knowing our teacher for a while enough to trust them, and talk to them about our problems. We are definetely in the age were most of the time we dont know what to do in most cases. Parents most of the time dont have time, but don't get me wrong they do attempt to help us. Same from our friends, but like you mention teachers are sometimes better people to talk to. The good is that regardless we have someone we can look up and ask for help:).

  74. I believe that students should tell their personal problems to their teachers. Sometimes we build trust with our teachers, the kind of trust we don’t have with our parents. We decide not to tell our parents in fear of them teasing us or possibly even getting angry at us. When we’re not able to talk to them we sometimes have no one else to tell our issues to. Then we remember there is some one else. Some one who DOES have time to listen to us. Our teachers! Another reason I believe that students should tell their teachers their problems to teachers is because who else know you better besides your parents? Your teachers spend 7 hours 5 days a week around you. They know you well enough as to where they can trust you and you can trust them. Sometimes it’s not that we cant trust our parents. Other times if we have younger sibling they are just to busy taking care of them and giving them more attention than they we are getting. We are set aside and ignored most time. We feel as if no one wants to listen to us. That is when we remember we have teachers at Chrysalis who we can trust with our problems. They are filled with wisdom and knowledge to help us solve these problems. So I believe that students should trust their teachers with their problems because we either trust them more or they are just able to provide us with more knowledge than our own parents can.

  75. Pablo, I said that you can trust some of the PCMs teachers. The top portion is just me putting the second statement again from what Little posted on top. And when did I kick you?

    Also, Maria, I agree with you about taking responsibility of your own actions. You did something and you get something back. That is how karma goes. This statement reminds me of Madea in the movie "Madea Goes to Jail" where she is in a preach room and she says that what ever you, you take responsibility and don't blame others about it.

  76. “If someone is drunk or high, he or she is not responsible for their own actions.”
    I strongly disagree with this statement because if something bad happens to a person because they were drunk it is the drunken person’s fault because they chose to drink too much. When someone is drunk they don’t know what its happening and they don’t know what is right or wrong. Someone can easily take advantage of you without you knowing what is happening. You lose control of your brain and someone can convince you to do something you wouldn’t usually think of doing. Since a person decided to drink it is their fault if something bad happens to them because they are responsible for their own actions. A person chooses to drink, nobody forces them to do it and that’s why they need and should be responsible.
    When you are drunk you can also kill someone. If you drink and drive, then you kill someone it will be your fault because it was your decision to do that. A person knows there are always consequences when you get high to why do it? It all depends on how much you drink. I think there isn’t any excuse when something bad happens to a person that is high, it was their decision and they need to realize that getting drunk is a bad thing because even innocent people can get hurt. I think a person should limit themselves in drinking. They should just drink a little bit or not drink at all that way nobody will get hurt and nothing bad will happen.

  77. Doris even though you have a good point about most women trying to be the positive person, I disagree with you when you say they try to keep things to themselves a lot. I think sooner or later they need to let out what they’re going through and take off all that weight from their shoulders. For example think about school in general: Who do you think are the ones that start all that gossip? The girls for the most part, because they don’t like to hold in something even if they know the consequences of blurting it out.

  78. I agree with you Abraham. Students built trust with their teachers that they don't have with their parents because we spend about 7 hours with them at school. You are also right about how we don't like telling our parents about our problems because we're scared of how they will react.

  79. “Students should not tell teachers about their personal problems, no matter how serious.”
    I strongly disagree because students should tell their teacher if they’re having problems no matter how serious they are. Some students have so many problems and they don’t know who to come for advice. They are holding so much inside and they want to let it out but there’s no one to talk too. Teachers would give great advice because they have gone through the same things students are going through. They know how it feels to be in that same predicament. Students are with their teachers half of the day and that builds a bond between them two. This might be one of the reasons teachers understand how you feel. After all teachers are instructors and they are there to guide you.
    A teacher is a person that you can trust and come for advice. After all your with them for half of the day you have to trust someone if you spend a lot of time with them. When someone trusts someone it means they feel safe around them. Teachers are not animals or monsters they are human beings like us. They know what person goes through in life and I’m sure they have been in the same circumstances as you have been. Everyone has problems and they need people to listen to them and that they need advice from. I think a teacher can be a perfect person for the job. A teacher is more than a teacher, he/she is also a friend.

  80. Abraham I strongly agree with you because sometimes we have nowhere to turn. A teacher is a great person to ask for advice. They are there to assist you. Everyone needs a helping hand and the teachers are a huge help.

  81. I agree with Samuel. Sometimes our parents just don't have time for us. They create excuses to no listen to our problems which makes us think that no one will listen. Then we see that we have our teachers, which in this case become our friends.

  82. “If someone is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, that person is not responsible for his or her actions." I disagree with this quote. In the first place you made the decision to drink and do drugs knowing that you can make bad things when in alcohol. Although alcohol has a variety of symptoms including, dizziness and blurred visions, your five senses are still in tact therefore still making you aware of what’s going on around you, and if you are still aware then you know what your doing, and if you know what you are doing, then that means your responsible for whatever it is your doing, in conclusion therefore making you responsible.

    When you under the influence of alcohol and drugs is not an excuse for your problems. You made your decision to me under it. For example if you are drunk and kill somebody while drink and driving you still go to jail for murder because it was your decision to drive while influence of alcohol. Also when doing drugs and you murder or abuse of someone it was your fault for buying them not the drugs.

  83. I strongly agree with the last statement because I know someone who knows a girl who did this. Girls are more likely than guys to say they have been sexually harassed not because it’s a cool thing to say but to kind of keep their innocence against someone.
    Like many of us girls have VERY strict parents, some girls lie to not get in trouble. For example, there is this girl that my cousin knows that said she was sexually harassed at a party by an 18 year old guy. He did not know her real age because she had told him she was 16 years old. Turns out that she was really 13 years old and she lied to the cops about being harassed because she did not want to look bad to her parents. The guy went to jail so she felt bad and she said the truth so they released the guy and she got locked up for like a month.
    Even though sexual harassment can happen to guys they wouldn’t really care of feel bad about it because they take it as a good thing and they show pride about it, not like girls who do not speak up and say what happened because they are afraid to get judged by society of the REAL thing she did.

  84. I disagree with Josselyn. People that are in depressed is not that there afraid to speak up. They just have issue talking to somebody because there scared of what there respond might be. People that are depressed are just not comfortable talking to anybody about there problems because there to serious. For example if some of your family member died and you where really connected with them you would be scared to tell someone. Some people would get support but also some it’s hard for them to speak about it because it hurts them to think about it.

  85. I strongly disagree with Jonathan because I know that NOT ALWAYS the topic is appropriate to talk about with a teacher but what do you do whenever the topic is different than a crime,like relationships or family fights.Who are you going to come to now?Your friends?Yea that might sound like a good idea to do but since your teachers are older maybe they have gone thought that situation when they were younger and they can be there with emotional support for you.Since you are the type of person that degrees with the statement,let me ask you a question.Who are you going to go to if your family gets in a fight and there is no one else to go to besides your teacher?..Would you take the chance and tell them about your problem or will you stay bottled up and make it more harsh on yourself?

  86. I strongly disagree with this quote because I think students should be able to talk with their teachers about personal problems, no matter how serious the problem may be. It all depends on the students’ decision since it’s their problem and they can ask someone for advice if they want. In my opinion I think that it’s better to ask a teacher than your parents because many students can develop a better relationship with their teachers than with their own parents. Some times your teachers know you more than your parents do. Sure your parents have known you since birth but as you grow up you mature and change your personality and parents may not even realize it. As you grow up you can have some problems with your parents because of how they treat you and it’s because they don’t realize that you’ve changed and they still think you’re the same as before.
    If you have a problem like that and you need help then you can’t ask a friend because they might not know what you’re talking about. Then the only person you can ask for help maybe a teacher. For me, I think that if you tell them one of your problems then they might be able to help you since they were once a teenager. Also I can trust my teachers that they won’t tell any one about my problems. I think that parents will not listen to us because if they here something wrong they will immediately interrupt us and they won’t let us finish talking. Then with our teachers they will let us finish talking since it’s our problem and they need to hear everything so they can be able to help us and give us advice to solve our problems.
    Now lastly I think that the teachers don’t have to just teach us within the curriculum but that they can also teach us how to deal with our problems in life even if it’s not part of what they teach in their class.

  87. "Students who are depressed are simply afraid to deal with their real or perceived problems."

    No, when you're depressed you could care less of what people think of you. You are not afraid to deal with any problems you just choose not to deal with anything while in that level. For example, when your sick you get lazy, when your mad you get an attitude, when your happy you want to tell the world why and when your depressed you don't care about anything or anyone, not even yourself. But think about it, theres a reason to why your happy, mad or sad. Where there's a cause theres an effect!
    Yes, i'll admit these people can choose to move on with their lives and avoid all that's been happening to them. But can you blame them? Their going through a hard time. They need time apart from any company that comes close. If anyone comes close their obviously going to ignore them. Why? Not because they want to, it's just their set of mind as a human.
    What I mean by set of mind is that we have a way of reacting to our feelings. I discussed this issue with my uncle and we talked about how sometimes our mind has the ability to bring back memories from our past that make us upset. I agreed with him because even I still have those moments. Bottom line is, even though our feelings change instantly there's a reason for it. We don't want to remember things we regret from our past but our brain has that ability. Believe it or not that's one thing we can't change or take control over.

  88. Jesse I disagree with you because it's not the drugs fault but it's the person who took it. It's the person's decision to take the drug not anyone else. After the person has taken the drug he/she is still resposible of their own actions. I see what you mean that a teenager thinks that there is no more optoins but I still disagree with you. For me, the drug is a way to runaway from your problems and you won't solve any of your problems like that.

  89. I believe that students should be willing to talk to their teacher of problems that they are facing. The reason is what if the student need guidance and he or she does not have a role model or someone to look up to and express their issues and what’s on their mind. You could be facing something that is hard to deal with and you cannot let it and tell anyone. It would then build up and make stress and you could be affected by becoming ill of all of the worrying.
    Also most of the time parents do not listen to their child’s problems say things like I am busy right now comeback late and when you come back last they are still apparently busy and do not have time for you. As for a close teacher they say I always have time for you and when you go they do. Plus if its so personal that you would not want to tell your parent they understand and agree and know what you are going through. They might even have experiences like you and you would not know until you try to express your problems with them.
    You should just be real open with your teachers because they want you succeed in life and not fail by a little problem which is why they try to help you out and not get distracted on your goal to succeed. Because when you have no one to talk to your teachers are still there to help you out

  90. Samuel I agree with you because no matter how personal something might be your teachers will always be there for us. Its true that aren't might not always have time for us and so because of this we need teachers to help us out. That sometimes parents might not understand what were going through and don't now how bad we need their tie they think that we are just wasting their time. So teachers are the best to express problems with.

  91. I dessagree with the 4 statement . A girl will have more fear of saaying she has been sex ually harrased. For a girl, after they go throught an experience like this their life change for evr, its not the same, the way you view others and yourself dont make sence nomore. Most girld feel confused and scared, especially if the guy who sexually harrased them remains romaming around them, they feel pressuered, depressed, horrafied, living in fear that their hystory will repeat once more. Because of this fear many girls would rather stay quiet.Put your self in their shoes, now close your eyes, just imagine, your are a popular girl, surrounded by your best friends, surrounded by they cutest guys, but something goes wrong, that same day, you get raped, you have just been through a sexual harrasment, you feel scared, dirty, you feel like your life is over. Answer me this, how wouuld you feel , if you realize your life has changed for ever,you feel like your life is over, I doubt the first thing that comes up to your mind is tell someone of this experience. Its harder than what any of us think, it is not the same once it happens to you...

    And melissa, i desagree with you in the point where you say that guys wont probably say anything because they have been resed like that based on your gender. If anybody goes through this situation, boy or girl, if its sexual harrasment, the situation wont change, it is still a hard ex0erience to go through,, especially if it happened against that pearsons will. If a guy has been "sexually harrased" i believe it will still affect his life no matter if he says anything about it or not.you have to put yourself in their shoes for a second to uderstand what they go through.

  92. If someone is drunk or high their actions are their responsibility because they choose to drink or consume or inhale illegal substances. The people should know their limit or at least be able to control them self somewhat. There are some occasions when you are not fully responsible like when you are drugged without knowing or if the other person is drunk or high, because they are also drunk or high they do not know what they are doing either, but responsibility should not have boundaries even in these cases because it was your action. If you know you are drunk or high you should avoid problems but when you do not it is your responsibility to take responsibility (if that makes sense). If the other person knows that the drunk or high person is going to do something it’s their responsibility to take action physically or verbally which can connect to the book Night when Elizer says “being indifference to evil is evil” because he saying not taking action against evil is the same thing as being evil. It is your responsibility to ask yourself if it is worth getting drunk or high.

  93. I strongly believe that students should tell their teachers their personal problems because they will always be there to listen and help you. With three years in PCMS my teachers have fully proven to be very trust worhty with the students. I know I can turst them whenever I may have a problem. When you're afraid to tell something to your parents you feel trapped and have no one to go to. Your friends could be a good option but they probably won't know how to help you out besides listening to you. Teachers take part of their time to listen and help you out. Since they are older than us they have probably had experienced with problems similar as you are facing. We are mainly afraid of what our parents might say to us. We are scared they are goin to scream and punish us since they are the ones that have power over us. Teachers will just simply tell you what they belive is right and advice in what you should do. No matter how personal your problem might be I strongly belive our teachers especially will always be there for you no matter how serious the problem.

    For those who disagree that students should not tell their teachers their personal problems I can see their point. Maybe those students are afraid their teachers might tell their parents depending on how serious the problem is. Also because a student might get attached to that certain teacher and either build a strong personal relationship or go to that teacher often filling them with your problems when they might be very busy. These type of things though don't mean that teachers are not trust worhty because they will support you as their student and a person.

  94. I strongly disagree with Jonathan because even if a problem may be as serious as killing someone or something, well yeah the may have some kind of strong reaction towards that but either way we are still their students. I belive that in a situation like that the teacher will most likely have your back and defend you. The teachers could be the ones that better your problems. I doubt that any teacher would like any of their students to end up in jail or worse even dead. Teachers know not to tell anyone about your problem and will still treat you the same as everyone in class. Outside of class is a whole different story.

  95. Girls are more likely than guys to admit they have been sexually harassed. Many may disagree with this statement or think it is sort of bias, but there is a deeper meaning in this statement. I feel that men have been portrayed with such a tough façade throughout history. In a typical home a mother, grandmother, aunt, or any other female role model will always tell the daughter, niece, or granddaughter that when sexually harassed they should always speak out and never keep in the secret. The thing is that in a typical home men are raised to be men.
    Men are always supposed to act tough and hide their emotions; they are supposed to be the hard workers. Men are supposed to show no vulnerability, because that is for woman only. Movies, TV shows, and other influential type of media often portray a man in a macho persona, with tough characteristics. I feel men who have been sexually harassed look at it as them being weak, and to blame for what had happened. Many men who have admitted to it are made fun and were being ridiculed for their pain and suffering. In recent stories men didn’t admit they were sexually harassed until they were in their twenties when it had happened when they were in their teens. Stories of woman admitting to being sexually harassed usually come out around the time it happens. So in my opinion women are more likely to admit it then men because they have been exposed to it more than men.

  96. I completely agree with Alejandra a teacher is not only there to teach about school related things they are also there to teach about life. There are situations in which teens cannot handle the pressure. Some situations are to harsh or hard and the only person you might have to talk to is a teacher. Sometimes a teacher may even be your best friend and you might not know it. Remember teachers have most likely always been through what you go through

  97. I agree with Armando's opinion of being responsible for your actions once high or drunk. The reason why is because you made the decision to smoke or drink. Of course that person already knows what the consequences to smoking or drinking are. Sometimes people put their health at risk purposefully to get away from their problems in life. In other words, they abuse smoking and drinking as their escape from their hard times in life. Once you're high or drunk your brain is not working as it normally does. This is one of the main reasons people choose to be under the influence. The only problem is they don't think about how worse their problems can get after a short period of time of smoking or drinking.

  98. I want to comment onthe second issue. The issue states people who are depressed, are too afraid to deal or fix their own promblems. I disagree on that statment. I say people don't fix their promblems because maybe they want to be cautious. Fixing a promblem can always lead to another promblem. Sometimes the promblem is too difficult to deal with itself. Also some people possibly don't want to reflect on a significant troubled memory that bothers them. Some memories are good, and some are bad. Memories also bring back old feelings or thoughts which effects your present mood. My other opinion on this statment is some people are just to afraid. Some people should fix their promblems, if they don't it will build up and eventually really effect them in the future. So fixing promblems could also be a good thing. I think my second opinion is the best. The earlier it is fixed the better you are. An example is if you want to be strong or the best, you have to eliminate your weaknesses.That realates to if you want to be happy you would most likely eliminate the bad promblems bothering you. Everybody wants to be happy. Happiness is always one of a great characters in a person, their happiness shows character. People should be happy. People should indeed fix their promblems no matter how. I have two opinions on this statement.People who are afraid to fix their promblems are to afraid of being happy or doesn't want to. If someone wants to be happy they should try to fix their promblems never be afraid. Being afraid just makes the promblem worse. This is my opinion.

  99. I think savannah has a very smart and great point. I just want to say people would be more jolly if they didn't have to worry. I do the opposite of what you said (which is probably bad) but if i have a promblem, I am the kinda person who can't have a good time with something bothering me. If you want to be the best eliminate all weaknesses. You have to eliminate all issuses to be happy. Eventually promblems will come back and get you.
