Monday, July 27, 2009

Little has Entered the Gaming World

Ladies and gentlemen, I now own a PS3 which means...I'm an official gamer. Well, not really. I will never become the person who is up all hours of the night just because my squadron needs me in Gears of War! However, I do enjoy the few games that I have.
I had a difficult choice before me while in Gamestop. As I looked at the wall-to-wall full of games, accessories, and "stuff," I had to decide what gaming system to buy. Since I had previously owned the original Playstation and the PS2, this wasn't a difficult decision.
30 minutes later, I walked out of gamestop a happy customer!
Now, don't get me wrong, this isn't the first time I have been in the gaming world. In fact, I was gaming well before ALL of you were born. I can actually remember the Atari!
My mom had an Atari when I was just a bitty boy. When I was old enough to have my own, I was lucky enough to get a Nintendo (the original)! A few years late, I upgraded to Sega Genesis. And finally, once the Sony Playstation was released, gaming for Mr. Little would never be the same.
Ironically, as great as the current games are with the storylines, graphics, and online capabilities, there is something missing--something that still doen't compete with the original Nintendo.
Nonetheless, I say to all you gamers out there, "I am back!"

Friday, July 24, 2009

Being on top of the World

I have had an adventurous week or so. Last week, I traveled to California with Kiera to visit her sister who lives in Fresno. It was an absolute blast. While there, we went camping and hiking in two different national parks. The thing that was so great about our hiking and camping is that I had never seen such amazing landscapes before. The mountains, the water, the trees--everything was HUGE and beautiful.
On our second to last day, we hiked up a mountain; it was a total 7 miles of hiking! I have never been so tired and exhausted in my life. When we reached the top of the mountain, there was an amazing waterfall at the top where people were swimming and just enjoying God's masterpiece.
I was also able to hike to the General Sherman--the biggest tree in the world! General Sherman is a sequoia--a special kind of tree that has been on the earth for thousands of years. It was definitely an amazing site to see!

Enjoy some of the pictures below that show you some of the things I did on my trip!
These are the falls that it took us five and a half hours to climb!

This is what it looks like at the top of the mountain, once you have reached the summit.

Our tent that we slept was a very uncomfortable night that included a visit from a brown bear. He was just looking for some food!

This chipmunk hung out with us at our campsite. He just watched everything we did. He let me get really close to him.

General Shermal--the largest tree in the work!

At one of our resting points, I stopped to just appreciate the amazing sights around me.

Just showing some of my skillz, yo!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Summer updates!

Say hello to Macy! She is the queen of my house (or so she thinks!). She is a 4 pound Chinese Crested. Normally, you see these kind of dogs at dog shows, but they are normally shaven down to their skin. This, to me, is ugly, and I refuse to put Macy under such torture. She loves sleeping on my pillow, licking people's faces, and playing tug-of-war.

We recently took her to the dog-park where she went swimming for the first time. As you can see, Macy is not the prettiest thing when she gets wet--she gives a whole new meaning to "BAD HAIR DAY!"
Also, I saw Harry Potter last night with my wife and Mr. Stocker. I thought it was particularly good. It is definitely the darkest and most disturbing Harry Potter, however it was mixed with a perfect amount of comedy to offset the darkness of the movie. There's a huge development in the story (especially at the end). So, if you haven't already bought your tickets, make sure you do so soon! Oh yeah, Mr. Stocker dressed up like Dumbledore...I hear he'll be seeing it again at one of the theatres in Houston. Let me know if anyone spots Mr. Stocker in a costume this week! Keep a look-out!
Is this Mr. Stocker???