Monday, July 27, 2009

Little has Entered the Gaming World

Ladies and gentlemen, I now own a PS3 which means...I'm an official gamer. Well, not really. I will never become the person who is up all hours of the night just because my squadron needs me in Gears of War! However, I do enjoy the few games that I have.
I had a difficult choice before me while in Gamestop. As I looked at the wall-to-wall full of games, accessories, and "stuff," I had to decide what gaming system to buy. Since I had previously owned the original Playstation and the PS2, this wasn't a difficult decision.
30 minutes later, I walked out of gamestop a happy customer!
Now, don't get me wrong, this isn't the first time I have been in the gaming world. In fact, I was gaming well before ALL of you were born. I can actually remember the Atari!
My mom had an Atari when I was just a bitty boy. When I was old enough to have my own, I was lucky enough to get a Nintendo (the original)! A few years late, I upgraded to Sega Genesis. And finally, once the Sony Playstation was released, gaming for Mr. Little would never be the same.
Ironically, as great as the current games are with the storylines, graphics, and online capabilities, there is something missing--something that still doen't compete with the original Nintendo.
Nonetheless, I say to all you gamers out there, "I am back!"


  1. i have one 2 do u have playstation network tag!!!!? ;0

  2. lol we dont stay up all hours of the night because our squadron needs us, some of us stay up all hours of the night because our character needs some exp hehe
