Thursday, August 20, 2009

Where do Teachers Come From?

In light of the fact the school begins in just a few days, I thought I'd share a lighthearted little poem about where teachers come from. So, read, enjoy, rest, and delight in the fact that your summer break has ended and your fall excursion is about to begin!

do teachers come from?
Who has the slightest notion?
Teachers lived on Apple Island,
In the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
All the kind teachers set sail for America,
And that is where they built the first schools.
But the crabby teachers remained on the island,
And from his Office Palace, Prince Apple still rules.
You might spy teachers hiking on the Great Hall Way.
Some might be in the bushes picking off thumbtacks.
Many will be on the Grand Playground hard at play,
Or down in the mines, drilling colorful crayon wax.
Some wade in Purple Lake to fill buckets with ink,
And some will be picking paper leaves off trees.
Others are filling milk cartons that you’ll drink,
At either white or chocolate half-pint dairies.
Now you know the truth about teachers,
They are different from you or me.
They come from a distant land,
In the middle of the sea.
Apple Island.

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