Saturday, August 29, 2009

End of the Beginning

With week one done, you know the school year should be back in the full swing of things on Monday. Most teachers finished their diagnostic tests this week, and now we're ready to go!
Some highlights for me this week were getting to know the seventh graders a little better (and who has smelly feet when they take their shoes off), participating in our first Writer's Wednesday of the year, seeing all the wonderful summer assignments, and setting up the writer's lab next to the library.
I personally want to thank Isaiah Aguilar and Abraham Sandoval for all the hard work they put into the writing lab after school. Also, Mr. Stocker was a key helper as well!

Homework(due Monday)
  • Independent Reading Log-Make sure it is signed by your parents
  • Writer's Wednesday Introduction Letter
  • Any form not yet turned in (syllabus, contract, etc)
Remember, there should not be anyone coming to school without their work. You want to create a solid first impression and begin good habits right away!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Summer Assignment

I'm very excited to begin the new year. I cannot wait to get this party started! However, I want to make a quick announcement regarding the summer assignment:
The summer reading assignment will be collected on Wednesday, August 26. Remember, in order to receive full credit, I must see proof of thoughtful, diligent work. If you started it yesterday (or haven't started it yet) you are in bad shape.
Nonetheless, do your best. This will be the first grade of the year--and also your first impression--so think about how you want to begin the year and let your work reflect that.

See you Monday!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Where do Teachers Come From?

In light of the fact the school begins in just a few days, I thought I'd share a lighthearted little poem about where teachers come from. So, read, enjoy, rest, and delight in the fact that your summer break has ended and your fall excursion is about to begin!

do teachers come from?
Who has the slightest notion?
Teachers lived on Apple Island,
In the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
All the kind teachers set sail for America,
And that is where they built the first schools.
But the crabby teachers remained on the island,
And from his Office Palace, Prince Apple still rules.
You might spy teachers hiking on the Great Hall Way.
Some might be in the bushes picking off thumbtacks.
Many will be on the Grand Playground hard at play,
Or down in the mines, drilling colorful crayon wax.
Some wade in Purple Lake to fill buckets with ink,
And some will be picking paper leaves off trees.
Others are filling milk cartons that you’ll drink,
At either white or chocolate half-pint dairies.
Now you know the truth about teachers,
They are different from you or me.
They come from a distant land,
In the middle of the sea.
Apple Island.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Buffalo Bills and Wild Animals

Football season is here! Woohoo!!!
This week has been an adventurous one for me. Last Sunday, I watched as my Buffalo Bills played in the Hall of Fame Game. The time was made better because we had friends over for good food and football. Though the Bills lost (by three points) I wasn't too downcast--after all, preseason doesn't really count :)

This weekend, Kiera and I went to to Houston Zoo (you can see two of the many pictures that I took while there). Believe it or not, this was my FIRST time going to the zoo here. I've been to plenty of zoos in my life--some of the nation's best zoos--however, I just never had the time to check out Houston's zoo. Well, I am glad I did. It's a decent-sized zoo with enough variety to keep you from going bored. What I was most impressed with was the overall landscape of the place. They did a great job in making you forget that the zoo is located smack-dab in the center of the 4th largest city in America.
Most of all, the zoo gave me a great place to mess around with my camera. For all of you who are interested in photography, feel free to go places and just capture what you see. You don't need any fancy equipment to be a good photographer! Below you'll see a few of the shots I was able to capture...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Returning to School a Different Person

As I returned to school today, I couldn't help but realize how drastically different the beginning of this year is compared to last year. Why? I am now married! Kiera and I have had an amazing, yet busy, summer of traveling and moving after the wedding. I could not be in a better mood and more excited as I begin the new school year.

So, as you all begin to prepare yourselves for school once again, I leave you with this advice: Be flexible. There are a lot of changes to PCMS that will stand out right away. Do not be afraid of change. Understand that without changes in our lives, we would never be challenged. Without challenges we would never grow. Without growth we would never learn. And without learning life becomes like a breakfast taco without chorizo...and nobody wants a breakfast taco without chorizo...nobody!
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