Saturday, August 28, 2010

Your brain on...Computers

We talked about the commercial from the 90's that was an anti-drug public service announcement called, "Your Brain on Drugs." You can view the vintage PSA here:

On Friday, you were introduced to the NY Times article, "Digital Devices Deprive Brain of Needed Downtime." Although the message is not nearly as harsh as the anti-drug campaign, there is a correlation: Some people fear that we are subjecting our minds to too much technology and not allowing our brains to rest.

Blog Question: This question should be answered as a comment to this post. Your answer should be thorough with an explanation of whatever your opinion is.

Based on this article, has your perception of technology changed? Will you change the amount of time in which you'll spend using digital devices? Explain your response.


  1. My perception of technology has definitely changed about technology. Now, I am going to be more cautious about how much time I spent on the computer, cell phone, watching TV, and playing video games. In the future I want to have a perfect life with my family. I sure do not want to have brain cancer in the next 15 years. Having brain cancer will not be fun. That would make my brain useless and I do not want that.

  2. I will try to stop spending so much time on the computer, TV, or video game systems. My vision isn't as good as it used to be due to the amount of time that I spend on the computer. To me that is just a sign. Its a way of telling me top get off the computer. Like Samuel said if we continue like this then more serious things will happen such as family conflicts and brain cancer. I don't want any of those things to happen in my life. My perception of technology has definitely changed.

  3. Samuel and Abraham, good job getting online and posting early. Isn't it ironic how we are talking about how too much technology can have a harmful effect, and yet, we are using technology to have this very discussion!
    Samuel--I don't want to freak you out. You aren't going to get brain cancer. When I mentioned that in class, I was talking about theories that people have. At this time, there are no indications that cell phones, or any digital devices, will cause cancer. So, don't worry.
    I am glad to see that your perceptions have changed--this means you are internalizing what you're learning and reading about.

  4. Knowing the effect of digital devises have on your brain really opens my mind on how much I use techonalgy and how much I spend time using it.i will try to change the amount of time I am watching t.v ,using the computer,and listening to music. Now I know that it is possible to get brain cancer (which is a scary thought).i will try to give my brain some down time and try to reduce the amount oof time I work my brain.
    -Jackie Gonzalez
    8th Grader-

  5. Ever since the New York Times Article I figured that I cant be without technology. So I want to watch less Television and spend sometime outside relaxing my mind. It's possible for me to get brain cancer but I can prevent that by using less technology. I will quit using my ipod and watvh TV at the same time. I don't want technology to ruin my eye vision and more importantly mmy brain. So that aricle really did change my perception and it opened my eyes and realize technology isnt always good to use for a long time

  6. my perception has defenetly changed. most of the articles facts are true and is what i constantly do which is not neccesarily a bad habit but considered to be a bad thing. in addition my brain is not effective when i dont use downtime as a reward for my brain which is what i need to start doing. less television, music and a walk otside will help and progress my brain capacity in holding information. so Less time in technology+downtime= a better function

  7. Since reading this article I now see technology as not always a good thing. I realized that I should spend less time on digital devices and more time getting some rest. Many people might just take this information for granted, but I actually realized that technology can affect us over the years. I will for sure give my brain more down time. Now matter how bored I might get I will let my brain rest.
    -Josselyn Macias(:

  8. My perspective has changed, after reading this article. Now I what happens when you over use technology. You don't get enough don time for your brain and can even become addicted. I will take more time to appreciate other things in life.

  9. My perception has changed a little. I do not use technology that much. I am forbidden on using any tech during school days. I can only use the computer only for homework. I already knew that using technology for a long time is very dangerous for your mental health. I learned that from my family.

  10. Now that I that i have learned a lot about technology, i will take out my time in using the devices, and start using every single second to rest. I'm saying that if I have time now I will go outside and just chill and have nothing in my mind.I just really want to be healthy. In the future I want my family to be proud of me like I will be. I am doing this not just for me , but for everyone else because when I grow up I want to show little kids what's better than just staying at home in the couch and using any type of digital device.

    - Alba

  11. Ever since reading the NY Times article, my view of technology has changed a lot. I see that it can not always be a good thing, but then again, what is? Marijuana to cure your disease? Really? What if someone decides to abuse their right to have it? Well it's the same thing with technology. If we use it for what it was really for in the first place,(not for being on the computer all day)you know, homework, communication(not 5 hour phone calls) food, then of course, it won't kill us. I'm not saying the article is wrong, because it's not. We really all do try to fill all our time with technology. Downtime is a necessity people! My view really has changed, and so therefore, so will my use of technology. I won't multitask as much, and i'll only use technology when I really need it, or really want to, but not all the time. I guess.

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  14. my perception on technology changed. i used to think that o wow it can do anything! but now we have to take technology to a limit. As every little detail of an iphone enters our brain it kills our brain cells and thats why now a days youll see a little kid being rude or a teen behaving oddly. we shouldent multitask becuse the activities are like this comercial they keep you out of reality and you start acting so diffrent. its okay to do only one activity at a time but alot! your crazy! Technology does bad things to us and takes time away from us. take at least 5 minutes to relax from electonics. Im getting plans to do smething realated to this article for my science project because its an intresting investigation. MY point of view in technology changed it is bad.

  15. Heh-heh-heh.... I loved that video! I would love to do that video; the smashing part looked fun to do... Me and my brother had a fun time watching (AND IMITATING!!! :D) it.... Anyways, my perception of it has somewhat changed.... While I am definitely aware of what it does, and I respect that, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop going on the computer- or even go on it less! I am always in high spirits as soon as I get on and dance out to my awesome favorite songs... even if they are depressing themselves, like "Tourniquet" by Evanescence! (If you don't know who that is, or haven't heard it, then look it up- you will DEFINITELY see what I'm talking about! Hahaha!) I know, I know, I'm going WAY off topic... but that's just the way I am!!!! >:D Anyways, no, I will NOT stop, or even go less on technology, even though I know that the consequences are very bad...


    If you are wondering, then YES! I am VERY hyper right now!!!! :D!!!!

  16. When We Read The New York Times Article It Totally Changed The Way I Look At Technology Now. It Can Help Us In Many Ways But At The Same Time It Can Harm Us. I Don't Want TO Become Addicted To The Whole Techology Thing So I WIll Try To Relax My Brain And Only Use It When I Really Need It.

    Haha And The Video Is Funny.

  17. As I read the article I found out a lot about the technology. What I read really impacted me and now i will try to rest more.This article change my perception over the technology. I know that my brain needs a rest to process what I have learned through out the school. If I just get home and start playing video games, get online for hours, or even text on my phone the chances are that i will not prcess what i learned in school. I will try to spend more time resting my brain intsead of stressing my brain out by playing the ps3, psp, or getting online for hours. This will help me learn better and suceed in life. If you are one of those persons who just can't possibly do nothing then you should read a book instaed of texting your friends or wasting your time in the computer only because your bored. Your brain just needs a rest from all this digital devices other wise you might not learn anything and that will affect you in your future. I know that I will try to go to the more park offten to play soccer to rest my brain from all this technology.As you have seen the comercial that your brain gets destroy rapidly by drugs well the technology is in a way a drug for us too. If we don't at least take an hour of rest that is what probably is going to happen to a person who is using digital devices daily. The article was really intresting and to tell you the truth it has helped me see the world differently now.

  18. hello Mr.Little this is Yadira Molina this article has completely changed my perception about technology.I think that to many people rely on technology now of days and this article is just what we need to realize that it's not all good.What technology does is cut down on your downtime which you need to function properly.I'm not saying technology is bad im just saying thats it's not always good either.

  19. I will never change the way i think of the use of technology and will not stop using it because whe have a lot of uses for it just like make shure whe did the homework right or if someone dos not have a phone they can comunicate with friends trough the internet. Also whe can use technology to have fun will there is noting i can think of to do with out technology besides reading or do exersice.I will continue using the technology as normal as i have ben using it and this way i wont be bord also to comeplet homework

  20. well it did change my thoughts about technology i now i dont really use it but only if i need to.i change th amount of time i'm on computer and play video games and go for a run to relax.

  21. Once I read the NYT article I didn't really change my mind much on technology, but after I thought about in some ways technology does affect me. I did change my mind the way I see technolgy now, I now see it as a waste of time and some type of drug that if you rely on it to much it will affect you. I will now try to spend more time outside away from my laptop or T.V. Technology is helpful in some ways as long as you don't get so addicted ti it.

  22. Since i have read the new york times article my perception of technology has totally changed. Before I thought technology was cool because we could do so many things that you could never do. Technology has changed are whole lifes and i was depending to much on it but now that i read the article it changed my mind. Now I know that I should really stop depending in techonology I know it makes your life easier but your actually hurting yorself. So from now on I will stop using my computer, phone,ipod, and stop watching so much TV and just go outside and chill for a while.

  23. my opinion on technology and how long i use them definetly changed(a little). I will still use technology but not that much now because we definitly need a break from all that. For example that commercial is harsh and shows people how drugs efect your brain and loved ones near you. IT'S kind of like the same thing wen your with your technology your not that aware of your surroundings. When using technology your also hurting yourself like most people develop a sickness from your brain because of using too much of this. That's why our parent tells us go outside get some fresh air so that we wont become addicted or become sick. I will definitly cut off from technology because you also want to enjoy life and being with friends, dont you think?
    -Jackie Manzano S.

  24. Now that I think about it my perception of technology 'has' changed. I never thought it affected our ways of learning in a negative way. All of our ancestors lived without technology their whole lives so we know that it's not essential to survive, so I guess I'll take time to relax my brain and be in a quiet environment besides multi-tasking every second I can.

  25. My perseption of technology is that we need to quit reling on computers to do everything. The video is saying that the drugs are now computers and technology. we dont let our brain rest to me technology is a bad thing it you cant limit your self to how long you use it. it we allow technology to rule us then we would be so dumb we can barley remember our own names. now i pose a question to you Will you let technology to rule you? is it you drug?

  26. my thoughts on using the computer have changed, because I use the computer for a while.Most of that time I'm playing games or talking to friends. now that I'm in eight grade I want to be different and use technology only for school purposes only.Also I want to go outside instead of being on the computer.

  27. Even after being told about the theory of getting brain cancer, watching the video, and reading the article, these things absolutely did not change my perspective/perception towards the use of technology. I think that just because someone wants to speak out that technology isn't always good for us, doesn't mean you have to agree with it. So what if people invent new technology devices? Heck, that would be cool. That's just my opinion. But I don't know why suddenly people realize that it's not good for us. If this becomes a greater issue, for example, robots take over the world, then it wouldn't be really our fault. Maybe I would change the amount of time I spent with technology because I need to focus on my priorities but other than that, don't people always get bored? We need something to fill in those boring advertisements and commercials, like Mr. Little said. But other than that, I will not change my way of use with technology.

  28. This has article has really changed my perception of technology. I will now spend less time in the computer i will only use it when it is really nesesary like to do our homework. We should exersice insted of being in the computer. We may be used to playing games or chating with our friends but we should be considerate of our brain and give it a rest. We should tell our family and friends and when we grow up we should also pass the word.

  29. The way I see technology now is that its not such a good habit for us. It's benifits are taking us to a higher risk of loosing interest in what we know as the real world. However, we do begin to get addicted to this technology. And, the more it becomes our addiction the more we fall back on it. This is realy bad because were going to get to the point to where our life is technology. We cant and should not let that happen.

    -Maria M.(:

  30. all of the stuff we had been taught in class and the story has really changed the way i see technology. technology can be bad at some points but at some points it can be really good. nobody should get to much to technology because they get addicted and they start focusing on just the technology. technology is becoming life witch shouldn't happen because tecnology could some day be aboce us.


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  32. After reading the NY times article, my thoughts about technology actually did change. Everything the article said I think is true. I will try to use less my phone, computer, and watch less T.V so that my brain can relax more. Technology does helps us alot, but one day we won't have it, so I'd rather start getting use to using our digital devices less than we normally do.

  33. As I read the article my perception totally changed the way I think about technology. I found out lots of new intresting facts in the article and i agree with the article. We are all relying to much on tecnology and we don't give our brains a rest. I will try to stop using my computer when I don't actually need it, I try not to get distracted, and i will stop playing video games just becaus i 'm bored. All this will affect me in the future. We need to take a rest so that our berain will proceses all that we've learned in school.Not only do we need to take a rest just for that, but you might get blind for bieng on the computer too much, or playing vido games to much. I will try to go to the park everyday to give my brain a rest from all those digital devices and intead just relax and play soccer. If you are one of those people who can't posibbly do nothing, but using technology you should get some help or hang around with your friends in the park. If you atleast don't take an hour of rest you will be facubg problems later on. Technology is like a dtug that affects your brain and you surely don't want your barian to look like the egg feom the comercial, so just take a brake. I have learned a lot by this article and it has change dthe way i see technology now.

  34. Technology, is it harmful?

    Technology is a very used resource. We get any needed information in a split second. Many may say, that they are not able to live without it. But do they see the harm in the words they've just said?.
    Ever since I read the New York Times article "Digital Devices Deprive Brain of Needed Downtime", my thoughts of technology changed right away!. I do believe technology may cause harm is people's life's. We get distracted by it so many times we don't even realize it!. I'll even put my self as an example, sometimes when ever i am doing my homework, every two minutes ill be checking my phone for any new messages. and i take that as a big chock because i wasn't able to realize that until now.
    Even though I know that technology is able to affect anybody's life, I know i won't be able to change the amount of time i spend with my technology. Or maybe i am, that's if i try hard enough. but in a way as i see it, it will take me a long time to be able to change. i am what you may call a "addict" when it comes to technology.
    Whooraay! for technology! (:

  35. when I read the NYT article it really changed my perception of how we use our digital devices and the time we use them. In one way I now that we depend on technology a lot and it certainly does help and makes it eaiser for us but as I thought about it, it can also harm us in different ways to. This article made me think that we have to take some brakes off our digital devices which mean no cellphones,and no computers for a long time because to much of it can damage our brain and interact with our learning. Now that i now what this devices does to us I am only going to use my digital devices when i need to.

  36. i think techolnolgy is awesome because everybody need depends on it and love its. if wasnt for techology we wouldnt be here right righting this thing in the firts place. we would be using a peincl and paper. which is dont need down time you get that when you umm umm okay so you dont time if you want it so bad you just do it and dont make anybody else do it. if we dont learn anything we could just go to google and search it up. so technology is awesome.

  37. The article has a point I know I personally feel stressed out after being on the computer for hours at a time. The way I now look at technology is sort of a disappointment. Because no one really warned you, "Hey you know being on the computer learning all day, or just surfing the web, doesn’t really help you much rather hurt you!" But now that I know some affects of over using computers, phones, and music devices. I would have to say technology is, now to me, harmful. Though used for many reasons beside entertainment many people only use their "technology time" for entertainment, other than being educated on newly worldwide conflicts, is the problem. Like I know many of my fellow classmates when I ask “What are you doing?” the answer, “on MySpace”, “on Facebook” or, “on YouTube” rarely do they ever answer doing my homework. So now I believe maybe we should star setting limits towards our computer time, maybe not phones just yet, but really computers. After you finished maybe taking an hour or two updating or researching or doing homework you should take a break and relax.
    Also I know nobody really, probably, knows how to relax or get away from a computer long enough to think something through. Think of it as, “If you’re not on the computer or texting as soon as you get a response. That you actually have something better to do.” And maybe better isn’t always the case but you’re busy enough were you don’t have time to answer right away. Also I think this article should get us more active, since taking a walk in park or nature preserve is a way to relax, why not walk 20 minutes a day? It’s good for your mind, body, and ,I hate to say it but, soul.

  38. The New York times articles changed the way I see technology now.I didn't know it could harm you in so many different ways.I'm gonna try to use technology the least I can.I'm gonna try to keep away from it because I don't want more things to have to remember. I can clear my head instead of filling it with more problems.

  39. i don't think it changed me at the time but i will stop playing video games until my homework done

  40. After reading the NY times article, my perception of technology and its multiple benefits has not changed. I still believe that technology enables us to get things done more efficiently. However that doesn't mean i don't think that technology will end up affecting the ability to do things on our own, and stop relying on technology

  41. This article really changed my opinion about technology. I know its not all bad , but it hurts your brain because you don't give it down time. And nobody wants to be stressed out all the time. We just have to relax. We have to watch how much time we spend texting ,on the phone with your friend , or on the computer serching for someone. That hurts your brain even more. But thats how it changed perception.

  42. I think I've been wasting time instead of learning...

    After reading the NY times article,I have only changed my perception of technology a little bit.I'm still going to be that text addict but I have taken in consideration how much time I spend using technology.I will only change a bit.Instead of wasting my time on my computer checking my Facebook or watching TV,I can be doing something productive that would help me learn,like homework.Or when I have nothing to do && I'm watching TV,instead of that I can pick up a book and read.

  43. I think my thought of technology has changed. Sometimes it can cause conflict between relationships. Instead of me playing video games, on the computer, on the phone, and ipod. I can be with my friends and family. Sometimes they can feel ignored. Which cause conflicts

  44. After reading the NYT article my perception of technology surprisingly did change. I now know that too much technology can harm my brain. And I like my brain the way it is. So now I will try to use less technology, which is wierd because the school wants us to use more technology. So I guess I wont be doing the homework. Just Kidding.

  45. After i had read the article about tecnology my perception towards digital devices didnt really change that much. However, the facts and theories that the article gave out, did actually catch my attention in a way that i felt forced to keep reading. However, im not the type of person who is addicted to devices, that is why my opinion towards technology didnt really change. The devices i mostly use would be the computer, phone, and sometimes t.v. or video games (rarely though). My main priority have mostly just always been the computer and my cell phone.I agree with the fact that the use of too much technology can actually affect a person but sense i don't use technology to the point that i cant live without, i believe there is no reason for me to change my mind towards these new and great inventions!

  46. After reading the NYT article my thoughts of technology did not change. I belive i use the right enough time so technology wont ruin my brain. I only use it when its a emergency like directions, or making calls or other ways to contact other people for example if you run out of gas in the middle of nowhere. Also if you are bored and its raining outside, you have no books or paper or board games you play video games.

  47. Reading The NY Times Article Really Changed My Mind About How Much We Use Technology. This Article Made Me Change My Perception About Digital Devices Because It Made Me Look Into The Future And Actually Realizing How It Can Get To Affect Us In The Future. For Example It Can Get To Do Alot More Then What We Can And Maybe Even Get To Control Us. This Is What Will Make Me Spend Less Time On Digital Devices.


  48. To be honest, my perception of technolofy did not change at all. After reading and the discussion in the class, i thought about the fact how technology can actually damage you. I had never thought about the damage that it can do to you since the class.I usually don't use nothing else as much as my phone, my Ipod, and the laptop. Well i believe that people can still use technology but they have to limit themselves on using the technology.

  49. My perception of technology has changed a lot, like I've said before, I think technology shouldn't upgrade and if it does, it shouldn't be abused of its power because it can change your life and let the humanity go. You will then think computers can solve anything. Because of my opinion on technology I have limited myself on the number of devices I use and how long I use them for.

    Kenia Ovalle

  50. My perception on the technology has not changed I will still you it everyday. I still will need to be entertained. But I don't really think it is taking over my life. I do not use internet as much as someone eles would who needs the technology every second of their lives.
