Thursday, September 16, 2010

Laughing Matters

Monday, you will be reading Joan Bauer's "Clean Sweep." Bauer's short story embodies the characteristics and is a classic example, of her ability to illustrate something that is negative in a positive light. In class, you reflected on Bauer's quote, which is as follows:
I want to create stories that link life’s struggles with laughter…Laughter is a gift we’ve been given…not just to make us feel good, but to empower us to overcome dark times.

In your journals, you chose to either agree or disagree with the aforementioned quote. Now, I would like for you to really internalize the essence of what Bauer is saying and respond to the following questions:

When is it appropriate to turn to laughter in order to lighten a situation? In what ways can laughter help someone who is going through one of life's "dark times"? What precautions should a person take when trying to find humor in troubled situations? Your comments should show proof of critical, honest, and deep thinking.

A perfect example (thanks to Ms. Robayo for mentioning it to the first period class) is in the film Life is Beautiful. Although the context of the film is absolutely terrible and somber, the film takes on an interesting perspective--the characters who are enslaved in concentration camps use laughter to cope with the horrible conditions of the Holocaust. Just as Bauer states that "laughter is a gift," it is one of the only things that others cannot take away from us. Regardless of whether or not we are stripped of our possessions, freedoms, or family, laughter is something that can never be taken away.


  1. To be direct, since I didn’t do the previous assignment (ha ha ha), I agree with this statement.

    My grandfather died in 2002. He was the greatest man I had ever known. Before the funeral I felt all sorts of emotions run through me. I was angry, hurt, scared, confused, regretful and many others. Before the grave side service there was a lunch at my grandparent’s home. All my relatives from all around came to eat and celebrate Poppa's life. A funny thing happened when I got to my grandparents house. I could almost hear Poppa saying "What in tarnation (yes, he really said that) is going on here? Jean (my grandmother) would you please tell these people its time for Bill O'Riely to come on and they are going to have to leave!" or "Why in the world is everybody so worked up, it’s just my funeral." From then on I was able to tell stories about Poppa to my other family members and they could do they same to me. It became a celebration of his life rather than a somber reminder of his death.

    Laughter is like the ninja of emotions. It can come out of nowhere without warning. It can defeat enemies with a single chuckle. But also just like a ninjas outfit, it can cover up any other emotion that tries to show through. Many people must be careful not to let laughter be their emotional release no matter what has happened in their life. Many of us know a person like this. Their house could be burning and they would try to laugh about it. Sometimes crying is good. Sometimes sadness and hurt are the parts of our life that make us stronger. If I had not allowed myself to feel sadness and grief about the death of Poppa, I would never have been able to find laughter in the celebration of his life. I cried like a baby at his funeral and I still cry sometimes when I hear a train’s horn (he worked for the railroad) or hear one of his favorite songs. But I laugh about him more than I cry. And that’s a good thing.

  2. Gotta love laughter and the horse picture above. With that in mind, if you are in 8-2 and 7-2, your flipbook is no longer due on Tuesday, September 21. It is due on Monday, September 20. Please make sure to spread the word.

    Thanks, Ms. Robayo

  3. Well to me laughter is the best medicine. In some situations it ok to laugh about it, like if you forgot your homework or you got a bad grade on a test. Although in other situations its not polite to laugh like if some one died, thats rude. An example for me is when my grandma gets moddy I start hug her and and make funny faces to cheer her up.
    elizabeth manj:)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. My opinion about when is the appropriate time to laugh is for example when someone makes fun of you because of something really silly you did and at first you take that seriously but later on you realize it was accually funny. In the other hand it is not right to laugh when you have a test from a techer and you do poorly on that test, it is not right to laugh of something you know was very wrong to do.

    Laughter can help a person get over a hard time in life by looking into the bright side of the problem or by letting the person realize that there is always a "sad time" in life and should not take every one of the hard time seriously.

    One of the main precautions a person should take when trying to make humor out of something is to make sure not to hurt nobody's feelings and not to express it in a hurtfull way.These are my responses to the questions asked above.


  6. I agree with you elizabeth in the way that laughter can be a good medicine for some people. Also when you mention that it is not polite to laugh when there is someone who died. I also liked that you expressed a really good example about you trying to get your grandma to be happy. I really liked you're responce.


  7. I think that laughter should be appropriate when somebody is facing depression or family problems. Say the person has lost a family member, you try to be funny in a polite way. That is a great way to use laughter, because you are trying to cheer them up.

    If somebody is in "dark times", laughter can totally help the person. They laugh and laugh and forget about anything bad they have in their mind. Also laughter can make someone more confident in himself.

    Also trying to be funny can bring the situation worse. Be carefull about what you say. If you try to be funny and the person does not laugh, then you have made the situation worse.If you are going to make someone laugh, make sure it is apprpiate so that the person does not feel worse.

  8. I agree with Ryan; laughter is like a ninja. You don't know when you will notice it or even know that you are laughing. Also the fact that laughter can cover other emotions too.

  9. Laughing doesnt really on the frist mottems of that person promblem. You are to sad to think about anything else other then the thing that made you sad. I know about losing people it hurts bad. Laughter does make anything better in the beining. most of the time the person doesnt want to hear anything. for me it make it wrose i rather you tried to comfort me in stead of making me laugh. I rather hear things that will make fell better laughing doesnt help me in any way. I rather just be sad in till i feel better then you can make a joke.In till i feel better dont try to make me laugh.

  10. Laughter is the best thing in this boring world. How can you live without it? I think it's bad to laugh when there's a death going on or when an adult it's angry at you, it's disrespectful. It's good to laugh when something funny or silly happens. Laughter can help a person when they're mad because it can change them to a good mood. I think if you're gonna try to make someone laugh you need think twice in what you're gonna say because you wouldn't want to make someone feel bad or worser than what they already were.

  11. I agree with you Erika on how laughter helps a person get through a hard time by looking at the good side of the problem. You're also right on how a student shouldn't laugh when a teacher gives he/she a poor grade on an assignment.

  12. Laughter for me is one of the best things we were given. I think the most appropiate time to use laughter to lighten a situation is when someone like a friend or family member is going through a hard time. Most of us hate to see some one down or depressed and the best thing to do is cheer them up. We say something funny apropriatley to lighten the mood.

    Laughter can be very usefull and help someone going through a hard time by making them forget for a moment everything inside of them and just focus on the momnet they are laughing. It also helps them see that dark time as something better and try to look at it in some positive ways.

    Eventhough laughter is a gift there are certain times when we should know not to go over board with it. Some precautions a person should take is thinking about what they are going to say before actually saying out. Why? because sometimes people may say something offensive or insulting trying to make it into a joke without noticing how inappropriate it could be. But over all laughter is truly a gift that can help us through tough times but something that should not be take advanege of.

  13. I think laughter is appropriate when there's nothing else that can cheer him/her up. Laughter is something that most of the time can turn anything positive. Its the best thing in the world next to hope. It could turn you from the saddest person in the world to the happiest. Laughter is the worlds greatest medicine. Laughter can be the greatest thing in the world but be careful because sometimes the 'jokes' can hurt people. Laughter can be the best feeling or the worst; it all depends on you.

  14. I really agree with magaly. It's true laughter can help someone go from mad to happy it cam change someones mood. Also to think twice before saying it because it can be insulting. Theres perfect times for laughter and moments where laughter is not appropriate and magaly was right about that.

  15. I agree with Samuel you have to be careful about what you say. You don't want to make things worse.

  16. I think that the best time to make someone laugh is when they know they made a dumb mistake. But you can't go too far cuz then that person will probably take it as an insult. A way to help a person through their "dark times" is to make them laugh about something that doesn't have to do with what they are going through. It helps them forget about that situation. But when the person remembers why they were upset and aren't laughing anymore the best thing to do is to not say a word cuz sometimes if you say even one thing, they will get even more depressed.

    I think instead of joking around with that person, you should try talking to them. Try to connect and relate to their situation with problems that have similarly happened to you. If you want to make them laugh, try to bring out the good things about their problems instead of focusing on the negative. Because that will just make things worse for you and the person that you are trying to cheer up. I agree with Samuel because when you make a person laugh, they forget about everything else and they are more confident in themselves and aren't as depressed as much as they used to be.

  17. Laughter is a part of life. You do not need a point to laugh. You can laugh because of something funny, because of something random, or laugh because you want to. Laughter is a gift. Use it to lighten the world.
    Cheer a person up by smiling, laughing, cracking a joke. Remeber, smiling is contagious. Even if the person slightly smiles, that means you have done something good. Also, you can take that person out to somewhere fun and have them smile.
    Some precautions are when saying jokes, do not go to where feelings can be hurt or when someone else can hear you and feel bad. ODn ot turn the situation more worse than it already is. Even you will feel some "darkness". Do not do that.
    The world is going through more hard obstacles. The Earth is place for everyone to live. Lighten it up as bright as the Sun with the most contagious germ ever; a smile of brightness.

  18. Ryan, I had three dear family of mine die in three consecutive years; one each year. After the news of the deaths, I broke out crying. I had missed them so much. After the funerals, the family had a party. I was confused because I thought everyone was sad and not happy. I did not understand because of the happiness in a sad time. I then realized that my family was having fun because they wanted to cheer everyone up. I then had some fun with my generation of family.
    So like they say, whenever a bad time comes, something good is bound to be around the corner. Ryan, I agree with you. Crying your eyes out is a good thing because as you cry, you emotions are let out and you feel better again. Like what you said,Ryan, "If I had not allowed myself to feel sadness and grief about the death...I would never have been able to find laughter..." I would have never been able to cheer up if my fmaily did not have a party after the funerals. It take me a while to get over my feelings but I survived. Now I am more cheerful than the past 3 years!
    Keep smiling!

  19. I am one of those persons who love to laugh and well to me laughter is the best gift we were given. When you are in a bad situation you can always cheer up be laughing. Ofcoures it depends in what situation your in. If you are in that situation were you were emberssed because you fell in front of all your friends at that very moment you might be having so many emotions(sad, angry, emberassed) but when you actually think about it you just start laughing. Those are the appropite moments to laugh, but if someone just died or if you got in a car crash in those times maybe laughing isn't right. But some it might.
    Laughter can be real helpful when you are in you are going through one of those"dark time". You might not realize at the moment,but laughter is like the medicine that makes you happy and forget about all your problems.Laughter can help you by relaxing you from all that stress you have. All it takes is for that one person to have smile.
    I am one of those persons who just love to cheer someone up by making them laugh, but you have to know what to do and when to do it. If you say something you thought was funny to cheer someone up and they didn't laugh then you'll realize you made things worse. You have to be percautios in what is that you are saying and what the situation is.
    Laughter is something that can never be taken away from us and something that can lighten someone no matter the situation there in. A smile brings joy to you and brightens ones day. All sometimes what we need is for someone to make us smile to have a better day. Hopefully you'll know when to make someone laugh and what to say, in a way that won't hurt them even more. A smile is all we need....

  20. I agree with Marlene. To make someone laugh you might want to do something that doesn't deal with what there going through. It sometimes does help them forget about all the problems they might be going throgh. And when your making someone laugh you have to know were to stop. You can't go to far because you may not realize it , but you probably will make things worse. you just have to be carful in waht is taht you are going to do or say to cheer them up.

  21. In my opinion, laughter is one of the only things that brighten up my day. You will almost always find me laughing even at the smallest of things, but that doesn’t mean its okay to do it at all times. There are certain situations where it is appropriate like when someone does something silly or makes a minor mistake but when a death occurs or anything as serious as that, laughter isn't the way to go to make things any better.
    When someone is going through ''dark times'' laughter is the best way to overcome the hard time you're facing, because in that short moment all of you is focused on that topic that made you laugh. In the end it makes you forget about the all the stress on your shoulders that is causing you trouble.
    I think some precautions people should take when trying to find humor in a tough situation is to think twice before letting something leave your mouth, because one: one you might end up making matters worse by crossing the line or two: you might look stupid after not succeeding to make that person laugh.

  22. I agree with Calvin when he says laughter is a gift and part of life. Without it the world is boring and dull. That's why laughter is part of a person's daily routine. Even if they're going through a hard time there's almost always something to be cheerful about that will help put a smile on their face.

  23. I think that laughter should be appropriate in some occasions because when people are in depression or just don't feel good at all, laughter is needed. Laughter helps us a lot especially in "dark times" because it cheers us up and even sometimes it lets us forget things that we don't wish to remember again because of simple mistakes.
    There are certain times that we need to be careful, for example when someone close to you dies you wouldn't really want laughter that moment. We need to be careful because none of us want to hurt someone’s feeling in purpose. The main reason we use laughter is because we try to help others.

  24. I agree with Melissa because we do need to think twice before something gets out of our mouth. This is true because we can easily hurt somebody by making the situation worse or making a fool of yourself.Yes we laugh a lot, but there are times that we need to be serious especially when we are talking about someones death or something really close to this situation.

  25. -Laughter is able to brighten someones day. But is it able to cause harm without no intention?
    I believe that laughter is appropriate to use in order to brighten a situation when it is something simple. For example when someone may be feeling down,or it is simply not their day, cracking up a joke wouldn't do no harm. Laughter is able to kick in, and turn that frown upside down. Laughter is able to help someone who is going through one of life's "dark times" in many ways. It may help the person forget about the situation at that moment or it may simply just put a smile in their face, mission accomplished. Even though laughter is able to help in many situations, it can also become a harmful thing. Before trying to pull a joke to make someone laugh, consider the persons situation very clearly. You may never know if he or she may take it offensively or you might have gone to far with it and made the day even worse. Think before you do or say anything to cheer someone up, it may or may not come out the right way you would want.

  26. Well I think that laughter is appropriate when small events go wrong. I remember that a few weeks ago my cousin and I were swimming in some river. Long story short, there was a small waterfall rapid and I got caught by it. I almost drown. Not that the water was too deep, it was just unexpected. So he sat next to me down river and tells me some joke. I almost drown and he was just making jokes.

    It would have been more appropriate if he would have told the joke some time after the event. That's when a joke like that would be more appropriate. Not like right after it happens.

    First, I think that the person that's gonna make the joke should analyze the situation and see if it is appropriate.

  27. I agree with andreina said. It can brighten someones day, but only when its a small thing like a bad day. But not in a case like a person dieing

  28. Laughter when the situation is not that hard for example a time when u can use laughter is when someone is down because someone got in a fight with their friend you could try to help by making her laugh. Will a time when you should not use laughter is when one of their family members has past away or one of their family members was sent to jail this is a reason why laughter should not be used in some situations to brighten someones day. Laughter could be used to brighten someones day by making then feel like if their life is not all that negative and even tough he/she is going trough a hard life they still have a reason to be happy and laugh. The precautions that could be take is to study the situation that person is in and of what you could make fun of and what you could not. For example when my uncle past away I was going trough a hard time and could not take life and as time past my family tried to cheer my up until my brother succeed by reminding me of when I was running and tripped over a rock. What made me feel good was that my brother just told me about me tripping not about my uncles pass away.

  29. -The human race has only one really effictive weapon and that is laughter -Mark Twain
    -'If every word I said could make you laugh ill talk forever-Think
    -Earth talks in flowers-Ralph Waldo Emerson
    -What a man laughs at show you his character-johann wolfgang.
    laughter is awesome and a great feeling a smile that bursts into joy. I love to laugh maybe a little to much but thats who I am I cant help it. But laughter is a great gift without it, I would suffer. So im lucky to have it

  30. i agree with calvin laughter is very essential for life. I would use it to lighten the world. Great perspitive on laughing

  31. Laughter is not always good in all cases. I think that laughter is esentyally good when you did something of not that much importance , but you have to becarefull at what times you choose to use it in. Making someone laught can be very easey like when you did a mistake or when you made or did something that can be fixed or made better. Laughter can make someones day better when they had a bad day at school or work because you know that it will end at the end of the day and even make that bad thing look better. The first precaution that you should make when you whant to make someone laught is to find the apropiate time. If you whant to make someone laught when thare is a death in the family I recomend that you think of what you are going to say first.If you find it appropiet then you should do it, but most of the time I think that you shouldent because you should be respectfull to the family. In other cases I think it is ok as long as it is appropiet to the occasion and you thought of it very good.

  32. I agree with Javier's comment laughter is a gift and I think that we should enjoy it more. We are also very lucky that we can laught because it is just part of our daily day. Imagine your self with out laughter i think the world and our lifes would be very boring.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Turning a bad situation in to laughter may seem very easey to you , but if you dont do it right you might as well not do it. I think that laughter would be a good thing when you did something that is really not important or when you did a mistake.
    Laughter is the only friend you have when it comes to bad situations. I think that laughter can help someone by making the situation look not that bad and by cheering the person up. Although laughter mayseem like the perfect medicine for all times it is really not. You should always be carefull at choosing at what time you whant to use this. The very first precaution you should take is to not use it when there is a death or a very sirious situation in the family. You should think of what you are going to say first then say it. Remember that laughter can be a really good things but not necesaraly at all times

  35. I personally think it is not always appropriate try to bring laughter in to something. There are just some occasions when trying to be funny can actually hurt someone even more. I believe it is only okay to bring laughter into a situation when you know its the right moment and that the person wont get offended.
    Laughter can help a person that is going through "dark times" by brightening their day. It helps them forget of what their are going through, and it helps them remember that not everything is bad in life.
    It is not okay for a person to try to make someone going through a hard time laugh when they are still very sad and when they had just told you what happened. if you try to make a joke out f it they might get offended and think that you don't care.

  36. I agree with with Doris. Laughter should only be brought in when its not serious problem, but only if it's a mistake.

  37. Whenever someone is going thru a bad time we should all turn to laughter. This is always the answer to a bad time. Although you must be careful not to over-do it or use it in a way thet will only hurt the person more. If you use laughter incorrectly then you just made the situation worse. When someone is having a bad day you should try to crack a joke that is not realated to what that person is going thru. So like I said laughter is the solution to the dark times as long as you use it wisely. Laughter is the only thing we will always have. You can loose it all but you will never loose your ability to laugh. We must learn to use this gift when it is most needed.

  38. I agree with Eulise. He is right, laughter truly is the best medicine. You have to becareful not to take an over-dose though. If you do then instead of making it better you will make everything mcuh worse. Like he said, it can be the best feeling but it can also be the worst.

  39. Laughter is something I think everyone needs just to live. There’s not a day that goes by without someone next to you or you, yourself laugh. Many people use laughter to lighten the darkest of times.
    I never thought I would laugh at a funeral. But when someone brings up that time Grandma caught some boys hitting a dog and then cursing them out, defending the dog. How can you sit there and cry? That’s when you laugh and start to think of the memories shared with the one you just lost. Or when you’re sitting next to a friend who is crying about their parents’ divorce and all you want to do is make them smile. You let them know your there for them, even at three in the morning on a school night. That’s when they crack a smile and you both begin to laugh.
    So it’s ok to use laughter in a non-offense way. Maybe like in the situation of your friend’s parents’ divorce instead of trying to make a joke about the divorce you make the joke of you being there for them at any time, day or night. Laughter helps you see in every ugly situation there’s this beautiful part of it that makes you laugh. It helps you get through those scary times where the glass looks half empty, rather than half full. Sometimes by just laughing in a dark time, you remember this is one of life’s obstacles that only take a moment to get through if you just laugh.
    No matter what, always be sure to take the precaution of not offending the person who is hurt. Like maybe your cousin is telling you the story of this boy in her chemistry class and how he ignores her every second, and you try to make her laugh by saying “Who needs him?” You say it not taking the person in the situation, your cousin’s, feelings and thoughts into consideration. So now your cousin sees you as heartless. The precaution that really needs to be taken, no matter what, is to make sure you view the situation from that persons view. Live in their shoes for that moment.

  40. I agree with Alejandra. "That laughter is a gift there are certain times when we should know not to go overboard with it." I find that so true, as people we all have feelings and should know when to laugh or when not to laugh. Also laughter as Mr. Little said is something that can never be taken away. In my opinion laughter will never be taken away as long as we don’t go past the line, as Alejandra said.

  41. laughter is apropiet when something funny happens or just laugh so you can bring light in you life. Its not respectfull to laught when someone is hurt or someone died. So you have to be carefull if its the right time to laugh. Sometimes someone is not having the best day of their life and you want to cheer them up its fine, just that you have to be carefull what you say if not it can make things worse. I agree with the quote laughter can make someone darkest day to the brightest.

  42. i agree with magaly, its true that you have to be carefull what your going to laugh at. Sometimes if you laugh at the wrong time it just makes the problem even worse. And you have to laught when something is funny not when you parents are mad at you or someone got hurt.

  43. I think that laughter is the greatest gift we have. Laughter gives you that cheer you need when you’re upset. You may think how laughter is going to help when you’re going through a bad moment. Well actually it helps you a lot it makes you smile it makes you feel better. Don’t get me wrong sometimes laughter isn't the greatest thing to do in some situations. Sometimes when you crack a joke some people can take it offensively so watch what you say. You really don't want that person to think that you’re a jerk and won't want to talk to you. When you make somebody laugh your showing that you care about what's going on with them your showing that your concern. Laughter is the greatest things we have in life if we didn't have laughter are lives would be boring and nobody wants that. We just have to learn when to use laughter and when not to.

  44. I agree with Savannah we sometimes have to know when to use laughter. We also have to learn how to not make other people feel worse your trying to make them feel better. We don't want to hurt people’s feelings.

  45. I laugh at the horse! Ha-ha!
    Laughter is always appropriate to use in any situation. Who said you have to be sad in a funeral? Or be worried when someone is taken to an emergency room? You can be sad or worried but if you want to. Laughter is appropriate everywhere and in any time. If it’s a gift why can’t it be appropriate in some situations? Hey, if they stare at you because you want to laugh in a situation just do it! You’ll feel ok if you’re sad.
    If you were to be bullied at school, made fun of, had a funeral, somebody left you or something else, and cry every day, how’s that helping you to be confident of yourself? If I were that person laughter would be my sword to fight back. I would kill the dragon (the dark times). Forget the pass and ignore dark times use laughter as the gift given to you. Laughter lets you forget about school problems, family problems, death problems and you boyfriend/girlfriend problems.
    You should be precautious of others feelings. DON’T be the bully bullying you. If you want to make fun of someone because they are mean to you laugh at your space. If you do hurt their feeling tell them why you did maybe they stop bulling you. I ALWAYS solve my problems laughing because you shouldn’t be negative about them. Laughter is the medicine to everything.

  46. I agree with savannah because I think laughter should always be used in a good way that doesn’t hurt anyone. The funeral part was interesting because I did the same thing. I laugh at my aunt’s funeral when I remember her telling me to go this way I was telling her no so we went my way and we got lost. It was funny when she said omg! Never make fun of someone who is dead or sad.

  47. Laughter is a way to get the bordem and sadness out of your life.It is a healthy way to take the depressing times ,than rather to take pills.It can also be used the wrong way.
    At the most serious times is not the time to laugh.Like at the death of a loved one or the seperatio of your parents.In reality it will hurt and the pain will seem unbearable.No one can stop the pain from comeing but laughther can always make you feel better.
    Connection:When my parents got a divorce it was a said and hurt full time for me.Lookin back on it now its funny to me how haveing two people fight and argueing of every little things everyday to the change o a peacful and caliming place to live in.
    To the lost of a loved one you can always look back and laugh at the time they fell into a whole or had the funniest joke in the world.
    I agree that laughter is a special gift in the world. A gift that no one can take or forbid you from expressing.
    -Jackie A Gonzalez-

    "Even if there is nothing to laugh about, laugh on credit." ~Author Unknown

    "People who laugh actually live longer than those who don't laugh. Few persons realize that health actually varies according to the amount of laughter."-Dr. James Walsh

  48. I agree with josselyn it is not always appropriate try to bring laughter in to something. It is importent not to bring it in to the wrong situation.You have to be conciderent.

  49. There is no wrong time to try to add humor to a bad situation. Humor will always make things better if you know how to use it. Dont take it to far because you will just make everything worse, trust me I know

  50. I agree with what Alejandro said making a joke at the wrong time will make you seem like not a good person

  51. I think the best situation that you should turn to laughter is when you fall or just get hurt, when we discussed this during class some said when you fall! Well sometimes I laugh even though there’s nothing to laugh about it just comes naturally to me, and besides your not dead right and sooner or later its going to heal. I think that when laughter comes to your life during dark times you smile when going threw there you always see a light that will brighten your day no matter what even though you cant see it and one of those is laughter itself. When your laughing you forget about everything and your mind is blank your in the present in that place in that time! Smile! The precautions that you sometimes take is the support of your friends and family mostly the closes people in your life, the people that care about you the most. There, there no matter what. If you need someone to lean on or just someone that you can tell stuff to there they are. Just see the bright side, in times some of your friends try to make you laugh even though you don’t feel like taking there support from them.

  52. i agree what ahley said when you needto be sensitive when someone is dealing with something you havet to have respect for that person. Also, that laughter can brighten someones dAY to bad to good.

  53. When someone you really care about is at their darkest moment you have to take a few minutes and think to yourself, “ If that person is so upset that you notice they can’t really even think straight, then you might as well not even try making that person laugh. The best thing to do right there and then is to just consult them.
    The most important thing in life of course, is happiness. We may not have it 24/7, but we really do need it. At times, we may not need it at all though.
    Laughter only comes when everyone is happy. Then again laughter is the best solution for darkening times. However, I believe there is a certain line that can’t be crossed what so ever. Respecting is the most important rule to someone’s dignity. But, there is sometimes where people need laughter the most just to get a smile on their face. One way you could make someone content over the moment they are going through is to help them look at the brighter side in life. Even if that bright side was the dullest thing you could say it would not really matter because sometimes in the other person’s perception it’s the best thing to say.
    Sometimes we really need to laugh and be content. Then there’s other times when the on things we can easily avoid is laughter. If I’m the person that is consulting someone gloomy then there are other things I also need to avoid as well. The main thing to do is not to make an old joke that’s more of an insult to that person, because even if the person thought it was funny before it all changes when they are at their darkest time.

  54. I agree with Marlene, “Instead of joking around with that person, you should try talking to them.” You should be the one they can come to and talk to. Then maybe after you understand the situation better, as long as you don’t cross that line of dignity and you think it’s ok to laugh, and then make them laugh. Maybe at that moment of darkness, they really need to laugh and better you to make them laugh than some other stranger.

  55. When someone you really care about is at their darkest moment you have to take a few minutes and think to yourself, “ If that person is so upset that you notice they can’t really even think straight, then you might as well not even try making that person laugh. The best thing to do right there and then is to just consult them.
    The most important thing in life of course, is happiness. We may not have it 24/7, but we really do need it. At times, we may not need it at all though.
    Laughter only comes when everyone is happy. Then again laughter is the best solution for darkening times. However, I believe there is a certain line that can’t be crossed what so ever. Respecting is the most important rule to someone’s dignity. But, there is sometimes where people need laughter the most just to get a smile on their face. One way you could make someone content over the moment they are going through is to help them look at the brighter side in life. Even if that bright side was the dullest thing you could say it would not really matter because sometimes in the other person’s perception it’s the best thing to say.
    Sometimes we really need to laugh and be content. Then there’s other times when the on things we can easily avoid is laughter. If I’m the person that is consulting someone gloomy then there are other things I also need to avoid as well. The main thing to do is not to make an old joke that’s more of an insult to that person, because even if the person thought it was funny before it all changes when they are at their darkest time

  56. When someone you really care about is at their darkest moment you have to take a few minutes and think to yourself, “ If that person is so upset that you notice they can’t really even think straight, then you might as well not even try making that person laugh. The best thing to do right there and then is to just consult them.
    The most important thing in life of course, is happiness. We may not have it 24/7, but we really do need it. At times, we may not need it at all though.
    Laughter only comes when everyone is happy. Then again laughter is the best solution for darkening times. However, I believe there is a certain line that can’t be crossed what so ever. Respecting is the most important rule to someone’s dignity. But, there is sometimes where people need laughter the most just to get a smile on their face. One way you could make someone content over the moment they are going through is to help them look at the brighter side in life. Even if that bright side was the dullest thing you could say it would not really matter because sometimes in the other person’s perception it’s the best thing to say.
    Sometimes we really need to laugh and be content. Then there’s other times when the on things we can easily avoid is laughter. If I’m the person that is consulting someone gloomy then there are other things I also need to avoid as well. The main thing to do is not to make an old joke that’s more of an insult to that person, because even if the person thought it was funny before it all changes when they are at their darkest time.
    -Maria Mosso

  57. I truly feel that laughter is gift that helps us overcome tough situations. However, I think laughter is appropriate in minor tough situations, such as when a person falls or is having a bad day. I don't think someone should try to make a joke whenever someone close to them is going through a serious problem, because if nobody laughs you will look like a jerk. I indeed do believe that laughter can make people feel better, and cheer up, just as long as it is in the right situation

  58. I agree with Maria in the sense that if you truly care about someone, and you see them upset you have to consider their feelings. If you see that person is very disturbed or upset you should consult with them instead of saying something stupid.

  59. When anyone feels down they like to be cheered up with a joke or a silly action. However when death or another misfortune is involved, its better to say good things to cheer them up and help them think in a positive way.Laughter is like an escape world were you can go and have as much fun as you want without any worries.With that in mind when you are going through a dark time you can use laughter to take your mind off things that are not so positive like laughter is.To not look like a retard in a bad situation where you made a joke and messed things up even more,its good to consider the other persons feelings and the situation they are going through.Sometimes the best thing to do is shut up and listen to how they feel or simply hug them and tell them everything is going to be OK.

  60. I agree with Yesenia & Elisabeth sometimes people are just not in the mood for a joke and is better to consider the situation.Also I do agree Laughter is the best medicine.I have encountered situations were laughter made it better.

  61. I think laughter is a good medicine to get rid of sadness, because it helps you forget your problems. I also think that laughter would be appropriate when there are no more ideas to cheer up a person. There are many ways that laughter can help someone that is going through "dark times." For example, when you're at a funeral you can remember all the fuuny things that person did. That way you won't feel so sad anymore. Now when you're trying to cheer someone up the most common thing people do is tell jokes. Sure jokes are funny, but they can also be mean too. Now one precation you should take while cheering someone up is that you should say your words more carefully. Like when you tell jokes you should chose your words carefuly, beacause some joke might make the person even sadder.

  62. When I it appropriate to turn to is when u need someone. You feel like you’re all alone or when u going thought a hard time. Also when you’re sad need something to look for.
    Well one time I look for laughter is when I remember my real father. As much as I hate him for what he did, but miss him. Then what I feel is abandonment. Then I rage with anger that hot tears come down my face. I was left with nobody to talk to. Like I feel like I’m walking under a shadow he cause for me. Well I feel that still to this day. Every morning I see him in the mirror that I want to break but I just smile and say I’m be better. To me at those moments I look to the gridiron to make me laugh and the hard work to forget him just for those moments. But it keeps haunting me in my sleep. Laughter is what I mostly look for in my moments. It makes me feel not alone that someone knows I’m still there.
    Laughter can help people by making them forget for that moment of what going on in their life. Help them forget about what going on and for they to know that a person care about you and is there for you.
    People should talk about memories they had together but funny memories to make them laugh. They think of that memory nothing else. Then for a while they forget about what going on in their life.

  63. I truly do believe that a good way to lighten a, or someone’s, situation is by laughter, but of course there are some situations that laughter is not the solution and it's not appropriate. In my opinion, laughter can lighten almost any situation, but some of these situations we would rather just consult the person rather than trying to make them laugh because we can in fact make it worse. For example, if the person gets mad at a friend, the person is down, he or she has trouble with something, or even just when the person is bored, laughter is appropriate. You also have to think of what you're planning on saying before you say it because if you crack a bad joke, you will hurt the person even more. Just try to make a good joke because if you don’t, then you will feel stupid and awkward in front of the person.

    So like I mentioned earlier, laughter can help in many ways, but it may harm a person. A situation that you may consider in not cracking a joke would be a case where in a relative from the person passed away. At the moment the person may be sad, so you can try consulting the person or even try to connect with a situation that has happened to you before and it is similar to theirs. In these types of situations don’t even try to put humor into it if you actually care about the person. Overall I say laughter is a gift to us because it lightens most situations, and nobody can take away our laughter.

  64. I think laughter is appropriate when ever and where ever. It helps get all of the negative energy out of the way and it lightens the mood. Laughter can help when a family member died and you try to think of the funny things and experiences you had together. When you try to use humor to cheer someone up it will be very complicated. You should think about what you are going to say and then think about if it is appropiate to say at that time and manner.

  65. I agree with savannaha because laughter does make dark moments go away at times. Laughter does bring the light out of things. Make you forget about what going on. When I laugh I forget about my father did and don’t think about him for days.

  66. I agree with Miguel (not Flores) Lara because I think laughter will help you forget about everything that is going on in your life.

  67. I agree with Abraham, because you shouldn't be making fun of what the person is going thrugh.

  68. I agree with Eulise, laughter can in fact turn anything positive. Laughter is the world’s greatest medicine, but you have to be careful because you may hurt the person even more. "It all the depends on you", like he said.

  69. I Think Laughter Is A Great Medicine To Cure Sadness. I Mean I Know How It feels Being Sad And Down At Times But Life Goes On And that Is Just Life. Life Is Not Going To Be Perfect. There Will Be Some moments That you Just Can't Laugh Or Smile And That's Fine Because Everybody Has Different Emotions And Feelings. Laughing Will Make Everything Better Or At least Cheer You Up A little and Forget Whatever Is Wrong Or Bringing You Down. I Don't Know If I Just Have Real Funny And Random Brother That Makes Me Laugh Out Loud All The Times Even At My Worst Comments Or Just That Laughter Is My Good Side. So I DO Think Laughter Is A Good Thing To Bring Up In You "Dark Times".

  70. I Agree With Miguel Lara Because I Liked the Way He Pointed Out "It makes me feel not alone that someone knows I’m still there.". Is So True Because That Means Someone Cares About you And That Is A Good Feeling And It Might Help You Cheer Up.

  71. There are times when it’s okay to use laughter in order to lighten a situation, but there are also times when it is not completely appropriate. In my opinion, I believe that the times it is in fact appropriate would include the following; when an individual is mad with ah friend/person, he/she failed a test, if they’re bored to death, or even sometimes when someone is worried about something.
    There are a few ways I can think of laughter could help someone who is going through one of life’s “dark times”. For example, if a close relative or friend past away obviously you would be deeply affected by this tragedy and maybe if you go back and think of all good times you all had together and even funny too, you might smile/laugh. You would most likely be happy and grateful you had the chance to spend all those great times with that person.
    There are also several precautions a person should take when trying to find humor troubled situation. Whenever a person is really mad and you know for sure that nothing would change that at that moment, it would be better to just leave that person alone to cool off for a while. Also, whenever a person is at a funeral, or visiting another person who is about to die, you should try and not say any jokes, or the type of humor you use to have a good time with friends. One last precaution I advice people to be careful with, would be when you’re trying to make people laugh and you do it by making fun of a specific person. The person you made fun of might take the joke to heart and be really hurt by your comment.

  72. I agree with Abraham’s statement, laughter is indeed the way to overcome most of our problems and we should all use it in all our “dark times”. However, we should use it carefully because we wouldn’t want to make the situation worse than what it already is. The person using the humor should know the “border line” where to stop and not “cross the line”, as people say.

  73. i belive that laugh sometimes can help a problem.There times when a conflict is not a big deal and we can laugh at it, but there also time were is a bid deal and a person just need someone to talk to.Laughter cant always make a situation better but a good joke might cheer a person up.

  74. i agree with Miguel Lara because sometimes a person needs someone so they dont fell alone. When a person is in a dark time they always need someone for help and most of the time people use a good joke to make them smile.

  75. i think laughter is appropiate when a situation is serious but meant to be learned as a lesson. it makes people meditate and cheer up just thinking about what happen . but something just like a close reletive died, is to serious! you try to help the person not by making a joke out of it but with a hug or a word of wisdom.
    laughter can help someone who is going through dark times because it simply makes them forget bad memories. it turns their bad day into a good one.
    if you see that person still hurt and they need help, do not laugh. i can gurantee that will make them feel even worse and by the end of the day you will feel stupid and concern for the fact that you just passed the line because laughter has a limit!

  76. i agree with daniela because laughter may not solve the situation but cheer you up in some way. this could also help somebody in dark times because it proves you care about their situation

  77. i dis agree to this because in life you have to stand up for yourself not sit there and try to be happy you have to go and deal with your problems.
    But i do agree with this statement in some cases like if you have nothing else in you life and the only thing that will solve your problems then ya it could help you solve your problem.

  78. i agree with Daniela because laughter can sometimes solve your problems but sometimes not.

  79. when i did this assignment, i said i did not agreed with this quote. And still i don't agree with it.
    Most of the times, when some one is found laughing during someone's "dark times" it is very disrespectful. We all have to learn to feel pain. we must get used to it because one day we will have an event full of immense pain. If we have no idea what pain feels like because during our whole life we have laughed when we should of had cried, that immense pain will become so powerful it could affect your life.
    For example myself, i may look like a very happy person, But deep inside i am suffering.I've been through this so many times i am starting to get use to it. At this point in your life, you may laugh, laugh with all your might!. Because when your surrounded by pain it is good sometimes to laugh. i have so many family problems, so many personal problems, that one day i could not resist and tore down until i drowned my self little by little to tears, and i called my best friend Jacky , who by the way stood awake with me until very late. When u suffer this much, it helps you to be happy, but if you have no idea what pain seems like, don't laugh into you have gone through the same.
    This is my opinion of how laughter might help you or hurt you and when it is appropriate to do so.

    -kenia ovalle

  80. Laughter can be a great medicine, as many people have said before me, but it can also be poison depending on how it's used. You wouldn't start trying to make people who you don't really know at a funeral, would you? Or if a person got hurt really, really badly, like a broken arm or leg, of course you wouldn't say something like haha! loser! and try to make a joke out of how they hurt themselves. Maybe you would try to make them laugh when they're complaining how the cast they got looks and try to make them see it as a kind of light matter.

    Laughing can definitely help you get through hard times. I would know. When I'm feeling down and a friend can make me laugh, I definitely feel lighter and less moody. It can sure get rid of stress, and some people say that for every ten minutes you laugh you'll live another. So yeah, if you start to feel sad because you're old, you can surely feel younger by laughing. Ok, that may not be true, but laughing does make me feel happier. When ever I feel really sad I can trust that one of my friends will make me laugh, because that's the way my brain functions, with laughter. I know it works to make my friends laugh when they're sad. So yeah, laughter can be really good to get you through hard times, and I totally agree with Joan Bauer.

  81. In my opinion laughter can be a way to get away from the negative things that you may have in your head but there are also times when you just cant laugh because of the situation you might be in. Laughter can be use in sometimes like when a person is mad/sad at another person, or just bored then yes you can use your jokes but in other times its better just to stay quiet. There is always going to be bumps in the road but sometimes does bumps you cant fix. When your trying to cheer a person first think what your about to say and now if its the right time to say it because with one word that might come out of your mouth it can make that person feel worse.
    -Nataly Ramirez

  82. I agree with Jakie Reyes because laughter is a great medicine but it can also be poison in the way we use it. Sometimes you got to think what your going to say before you tell it to a person.

  83. An example of a appropriate time to bring laughter into a situation is when
    my grandma died we wouldn't laugh at the church , but when we got to my uncles house we stated laughing about all the good times and all the funny times we had.
    When your friends feeling sad you could show them them he positive side of their situation unless there isn't a side if there isn't your screwed, probably made them feel worse
    To prevent someone to feel worse in troubled situation you can't be like ha ha you're grandma died the might get offended.

  84. I agree with Daniela because laughter is good, but sometimes it could be taken the wrong way

  85. I don't think laughter is a bad thing to use at anytime. I think everybody should acquire laughter because is something special and its also a gift. You should grab the gift of laughter and reap of the ribbons and use it as much as you can. Laughter is something you will always have and no one can take it away from you. Laughter had been around for along time and it should contentious to be wonderful instinct in this world.

  86. I agree with Samuel because if you make one mistake you might regret it. You don't want to make the person feel worse and that you don't want it to happen.

  87. I agree with Yadira. Laughter is a present. It is he one thing that belongs to you and she is very right in saying so. And like her, I Hope that it will be around for a long time.

  88. There will be times were you can't and can lighten up some "dark times". I remember when it was my first time getting suspended, at the time when i was getting suspended nothing could make me feel better. But if you think about the fact of why i got suspended its actually pretty funny. I think that it is only appropiate when, well it is only appropiate when the situation is really serious. Laughter is a gift of life that god gave us, he wants us to be happy he would'nt want us to be mad or sad.
    For me, in my opinion laughter will get someones mind off things because, you would only be thinking of the joke, or whatever happened to that person. It will just get your mind off things. I think that people should not take no precautions when they laugh because, its nature, you don't know when it is going to come. Whether if its a really bad situation and you try not to laugh, but you still do.

  89. I agree with Jackie Reyes because, laughter can be the best medicine, but it can also be poison. Yea sometimes people laugh of other people, but if the situation is bad, they might get offended more.

  90. ***NOTICE!!!
    I'm sorry to have this in late, but my computer was down when I tried to do this, and the library is always closed on weekends. I am making use of my sick absence by doing this. Better late than never.***

    Well, I think that laughter could cure you at some times, but isn't always the "best medicine". For instance: Someone is depressed and mad at the world, and you want to help him. You try to crack a joke, and he gets even more p-o-ed. It isn't good to try to get some one to laugh when they are mad, because it triggers the defensive side. Contradicting that, there are some emotions that need laughter, like sad, hurt, heart-broken, and regret. When wanting to make someone laugh, look for those emotions, but, in my opinion, stay away from anger, because they will take it out on you.

  91. I agree with Nataly, because there just aren't time when laughter is appropriate, but there are some times when it is.

  92. you cant be mad at all the time, you have to lie at somepoint.laughing is like a medicine it helps you when your under a lot of depression or you are just sad. if you see somebody having a bad day or they're depressed you should try to make them laugh or cheer them up. do not say something that can offend have to think of what u have to say. sometimes it can be hard to cheer up when you're having a bad because you cant let that emotion go.


  93. I agree with alex because you do have to say the right thing to someone before offending them.
